Tuesday 13 April 2010

Bon morrow to you all....

T'is Spring and my sap is a rising and I'm feeling perkier than a perky person on the Pinky and Perky show...

Where to start?
Well it's now six week this coming Thursday until my exhibition at Park Gallery Glasgow. It's been a frenzy on activity in my studio I can tell you...my arm is aching and my eyesight is failing. I am now eating, sleeping and dreaming "exhibition". I'm a nightmare to live with and I'm fast on my way to resembling a "Terrorhawk" puppet. By the time the launch happens I'll be a shadow of my former self...people will go from looking at the "gaaaaaawwwwjusssss art ambiance" to a wizened old hobbit in the corner, verily t'is a pooh. Having said all that...............

The new pieces are progressing along rather nicely...I'm truely enjoying creating these images. I seem to be alot more "organic" with the process of painting the "shape shifters"...which is rather apt when you think about it. I'm calling this batch the "Elementals"....mmmmmm...."why?" I hear you cry. I wanted to create some pieces that were not only about change but were part of nature as well. I know it all sounds a tad "artistic" but I reckon that when they're viewed all will become clear. Well, I'm hoping it does or I'll look a total pillock. I think that David from the gallery is a tad anxious...the poor man hasn't seen any of the paintings yet and is trusting to fate at the minute. Courage mon brave...all will be well and, if not, there's always the option to beat me over the head with the frames.......................Hey ho, it's a knife edge existance being creative.
I've learnt shed loads of stuff doing this series...I've been researching "shape shifting" for weeks now and never realised just how universal the concept was. I'm trying to bring the notion bang up to date........mind, I suppose the new culture of endless cosmetic surgery has already done that....look at Katie Price, her knockers have "shape shifted" more times than a werewolf at the fullness of the moon.

Oh well..back to the confines of my studio ambiance, the paintbrush awaits....

Thank you for taking the time....

Ivor x

