Friday 24 December 2010

Bon Noelle my festive chums...

with a tra la la la la and a hey nonny nonny...deck my bowels with sprigs of holly and a big fat ding dong and bing bong on high...t'is Christmas Eventide.

I really wanted to say a humongous thank you to every one who has taken the time to read this blog over the past year...your support is very much appreciated. I must say I am always a wee bit surprised just how many bods do check out what I've been up to and what I'm wittering on about...............................I am most humble.

Well peeps...the "Faded Seaside Glamour" exhibition continues and has received shed loads of wondrous comments. I blush with the excitment of it all...incidentally, it's now going to run until mid January...oooooer. Thankyou Drew and Ian at "Luke and Jack" for their continued support and encouragement. I love you boys and all your saucy minxiness...mmmmm...not sure if such words exist but t'is Chrismas and I'm a big bloated bag of festive fun and frolics...pass me another mince pie with lashings of cream.........

This year has been a pick 'n' mix of creative endeavours. I began the year with a series of "Shape-Shifters"...which were organic and to do with light, texture, hope and fantasy...and ended the year with the "Faded Seaside Glamour" paintings which were all about being on the outside of society and the emotional implications that entails. In between all of this I created "The Adoration of the Tattooed Christ"...a painting inspired by a beautiful trip to France. Mmmmm...I reckon it conveys the state of my mind throughout the year...I began it in my own little fantasy world and ended it a moody old git with a circus fixation...oh...and with a bit of spiritual shananagans chucked in for good measure. Freud would have a field day...ho hum.

On top of the rollercoaster ride that is my inspiration...I've also produced some commissions. Ooooer and hurrah! The latest one has hurled me down another direction and I am now endeavouring to produce some works inspired by "the days of yore". I'm hoping they're going to be a kind of "Raphael meets Holbien". I've started drawing one out on an old piece of shelving, I'm trying to get it to look like a medieval wooden panel painting. Mmmmm...Hope springs internal as they say. Hey ho, if it doesn't work out I'm sure it'll make a fabulous shelf for the it a rather ornate one...

I'm going to be creating a couple of nudes for an exhibition at "Luke and Jack"...spookily enough...entitled "Nudes"...ooooooer. Fingers crossed that this new/oldstyle turns out well enough to go on display...wish me luck peeps.

Well enough of these witterings...may your yule log be massive and may you be well blessed....oooooer missis. Enjoy!

Thank you for taking the time...festive hugs,

Ivor x