Friday 21 March 2014

Good morning my fine chums,

I trust all is well and life is kind.....?
I am plodding along on my "Ghosts and Gods" series of paintings and have completed another one for the exhibition....Hurrah! It's called "Responding" and is the one about hearing voices...all based on my time working on an Acute Psychiatric Ward. I'm hoping that it speaks for its self...if you'll forgive the pun. It was a bugger to do if I'm honest...not sure if it's because I so want it to work or that I'm just going into artistic meltdown and self doubts. I seem to be having many hissy fits these days about my flow oooer. eyesight is getting worse so it could just be the fact that by the end of the day I'm unable to see what I'm painting ho hum. Mmmm...methinks a new set of re-entry shields are due.....Oh why oh why is it I long to look like Clark Kent but know I'll end up resembling Mr. Magoo? T'is a sad twist of nature indeed.
I think I'll do the "self adoration" one next in this series. It'll be nice to paint someone who is that confident about their body image....mmmmm....hope I don't make them look too arrogant...they're much bigger than me and a tad scary ooooer. All those muscles could certainly do damage to a wee hobbitesque artist with a dodgy hip.......

I've also to finish the first of the "Abused" tryptich. Now that one has been a tad challenging...mainly because the subject is so emotive. I really struggled about how much imagery to put into it. I didn't want it to become a "shock...horror" piece of art. I really wanted to create an emotion in the painting that would create an emotional response from the viewer. I think I'm getting's so not a commercial piece but it was something I really wanted to do. Just hope I'm not judged too harshly by those who have experienced abuse or work with those who have. Mmmm...test will be when they go to exhibition............

In between all of these shinanigins I've been working on a commission....coo lummey who said us blokes can't multi task...? Well who ever did say it were so right...half the time I don't know what I'm doing or which painting it is....I mean...what client would want a portrait where they look less angelic and more like they've done two rounds with Mike Tyson? T'is a conundrum indeed. Upshot is...I had to stop trying to work more than one painting at a time and focus on just the one. Big apologies to Simon and Colin....your painting is sooooo on the way....honest.

Anyrode up...I've wittered on enough and there's logs to gather and my flue to clean out....ho hum.

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

Thursday 20 March 2014

Good morning peeps!

Well hurrah and hurrah and bloody bloody hurrah! I've managed to sell three paintings in one week and to one lovely lady from Moffet. All I can say is I'm splendidly elated and I can't thank her enough. They were all from the "Shapeshifter" series from way back and..if all goes to plan...I should have sold the final two of the series in Jersey to another lovely lady. Ooooer the ladies love a shapeshifter.....

These are they....I did enjoy this series as the stories were so beautiful and lyrical.