Monday 2 June 2014

Well what can I say and what can I do? a shadow of my former self due to excessive ammounts of waving my brush about...ho hum........
Oh how bloody bloody rude of me! Howdy doody my chums....I forgot to greet you...what would my old granny say?

Do you know...I'm so immersed in my work and exhibition and commissions that I've forgotten what I've told you and what I've not. T'is a terrible thing to be so "senior" so soon.
I think I was about to draw out and paint "The Reluctant Adonis"....? Well hurrah and hurrah with knobs on...he's finished. I went monochrome and colour once more. I reckoned it was the best way to go with this one and...I works. Here's hoping the general public do and no one takes offence at coloured Y Fronts....oooooer. A big thank you to Greig for being such a wonderful model and for allowing me to put him in such awesome underpants. I was trying to put some humour into the work as alot of it is so emotional and a tad gloomy. Mind...not sure you can jolly up sexual abuse, self harming or psychosis....but maybe I'm just being terribly old fashioned.

Apparently "Waterghosts" the event has been nominated for an arts award...hurrah! Must say I'm dead proud to have been part of it all. Well done Jamie......

I've also been featured in the "Art of Man" magazine which was bloody splendid. Please check it out...there's a link on my links page. A big thank you to Eric Gibbons for featuring me and for being so helpful. You're a star Eric!

I'm now working ona dyptich entitled..."Saint or Misguided" It's a sort of "opposite" painting. One is showing full on stigmatyr and the other is self harming. I wanted to do a piece highlighting that there is a very fine line between religious fervour and psychosis. I reckon it's odd how people who "hear the voice of the Lord" are deemed "deeply spiritual" and others who have command hallucinations are deemed "bonkers" Anyrode up...what ever you believe...I wanted to try and paint it. The "Saint" has been a bugger to do and is still undergoing major tweekage and fiddling....ho hom. I always think things will got to plan when I have a clear image in my head but......oh NO! Still these things are sent to try are nes pas?
I shall post up the results when they done. I'm just hoping that if I get the first bugger right then the second will be plain sailing....mmmmmmmmm.

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x