Wednesday 19 May 2010

Hello my loyal chums,

T'is with great sadness that I write today so please bare with me.

My exhibition of "The Elementals" has been cancelled due to unforseen circumstances. Hopefully I will be able to find another venue soon so that this collection can be viewed.

I'd like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to David at Park Gallery for all his support and help over the past year. It is a huge loss to the Art world and especially me, that his beloved gallery has had to close.
I'd also like to say thank you to Rachel his glamorous assistant.

You will be so missed my chums.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

Friday 14 May 2010

Bon morrow my cold damp chums....

T'is supposed to be lovely Spring like weather with gamboling lambs and the budding of fruitfulness and's about as promising as a damp dishcloth on the draining board of life. Ho Hum.
T'is just as well that I have been locked away like a balding Rapunzel in my studio tower. Me and the weather are as strangers, infact me and the real world are now just passing aquaintances. I've been painting and painting and painting.......................

I am please to say that I am now working on the last piece for the forthcoming "Elementals" exhibition. It's called "Dragons Kiss" ooooer. It's a vague reference to a shape shifting dragon...which, incidentally, there were rather few of. All were blokes to...and all seemed to be shape shifted as a form of punishment or because some other bloke got a bit miffed with them. Enough said...
The paintings seem to have taken on a life of their own and I'm not too sure if they controlled me or I them. I know that sounds like a lorry load of pretentious doodahs...but they have been the most "organic" paintings I have done. It's been quite a challenge to create enough "shape shifting" to inform and still maitain a mood and narative that the viewer can unfold. Hey's now too late to have all the usual doubts about them as the preview is now less than two weeks

On 27th May 2010 between the times of 6:00pm and 8:30pm at Park Gallery in Polakshaws Road they will be on show to the world. The past 5/6 months of my life will be there for all to peek at... read about... judge... praise (hopefully)... buy (most certainly)... and enjoy (fingers crossed)
All I can say is please "be kind to my mistakes"

If you have an uncontrollable urge to find out more please feel free to contact David at Park Gallery....he's a most obliging soul and, I have to say, a most patient one...he'd have to be to represent me.....cheers David.

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

Saturday 1 May 2010

Bon morrow and forsooth,

Howdy doooooooody to you my chums, I completely knackered and am fast becoming a shadow of my former self. Mind, this only applies to my emotional state and not the physical as that is expanding so fast I could do a convincing "lookie likie" of John Prescott. Mmmmm....I wonder if there are any school fetes or local supermarkets need opening by a former Deputy P.M.?

The new paintings are going swimmingly well and will soon be ready for public display. It's been a strange old road that I have travelled doing these...I keep floating off into clouds of fantasy trying to imagine what it would be like if one could actually "shape shift". I know I'd most certainly shift this big belly, I'd probably give it to poor and needy. I reckon it's been a kind of cathartic experience painting this series. I've hurtled so bleedin' fast towards the dreaded "middle age" that I've lost my grip on reality....ooooer. I keep looking in the mirror through the hazy smear of vaseline and I don't remember getting to look like that. Ho hum...I think that we would all like to change the way we look in one way or another, it's just that in the old days of the "shape shifter" it was just easier to do. Blimey...."how deep" I hear you cry...but t'is true and I'm sure that I will soon be very accepting of my wrinkles and pot belly....yeah and Katie Price will become a media recluse and Gordon Brown a centre fold for "Play Girl".
If you look back to the days of yore shed loads of strange going ons were put down to "shape shifters" example was the Werewolf, it was far easier for people to believe that such horrendous acts were carried out by a beast than a man. Ho those days people were constantly changing from one thing into another, the only difference these days is we now use cosmetic surgeons......................mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Verily I say unto you...I reckon I'd much rather have the belief that I could change into anything that I wanted to than go under a knife to achieve it.

"The old days are lost.......and I wondered why?" a tad "deep and meaningful" seems to have past now and I am once again calm. I do apologise, it's so unlike me to be that thoughtful about anything....I used to be able to rely on being witty and ornamental..........

The launch of this series of paintings is on 27th May 2010. It at Park Gallery, 697 Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow G41 2AB between 6:00pm-8:30pm and will run for two and half weeks.
Please please please go along and have a gander as I would be internally grateful. I'll also be bodding about at the lauch to have a chin wag with can get to see how my shape has shifted ha ha he he.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x