Friday 4 June 2010

Helloooooo peeps,

T'is I and I'm finally calm from all the recent drama and upheaval.
Plus....I have news....ooooooooooooooooooooer.

Firstly I would like to take the time to say a big fat thank you to David from Park Gallery. Sadly his beloved business is no more....yet another statistic of this horrible economic melt down. I just want every one out there to know what a huge support he was to me over the past year. It was a pleasure doing business with you my friend, us artists have lost a good chum and I've lost somewhere really fun to lurk whilst I'm in Glsagow. Pecker up fella....I'm sure you'll bounce back with even more enthusiasm and, as our American chums say, spunk.

The "Elementals" series of paintings have now been split up and can be seen at two venues. Hurrah!

I am now showing some work at "Christo's" gallery on the Great Western Road...the West End of Glasgow no less. I don't know about you lot but I'm dead impressed. Thank you Louise for taking some of my work...I'm sure it's just the beginning of a beautiful relationship. "Christo's" is a lovely gallery and well worth nipping along to...not just to have a gander at my new stuff though I'd be really chuffed if you would...but because it has a dead friendly atmos and Louise is so welcoming.

I am also showing at "Art Bar" in Brunswick Street...oooooer yet the Merchant City of Glasgow no less. The really lovely, talented and all round good egg Joe Hendry contacted me and, Bob's yer uncle, I was in. Joe is organising the gallery and getting together some very talented and established artists to show at the venue. It is all very exciting...I've been skipping now for days which isn't good for some one of my great age and with a dodgy hip to boot.......I reckon it'll be a dead dead hip and happenin' laid back and groovy place to exhibit...I can't wait...I think I'll skip some more......

Cheers're a star!

Joe and I attended the most fantastic and fabulous "Glasgow Boys" exhibition at the Kelvingrove. I recommend any one who is in Glasgow to go along and see it, it is so bleedin' worth it.
I came away with really mixed emotions. The first was "I'm so unworthy, I really must hang my brush in shame" The second was "where's me board and brush...I need to create!" They were truely great's a sort of spiritual experience being in the same room as those paintings. I was sooooo humbled. Blimey...I've gone all misty eyed.'s definitely put me well and truely back on track to start a new series of paintings. I know one that I feel the need to's of the "Green Man"....the geezer who hung about in oak trees in the days of yore. Have no idea as to how it'll develop...but...hey ho...that's part of the fun.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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