Tuesday 1 February 2011

Well plough my furrow and loosen my tongue...t'is February already.

Hello my chums,

What can I say and where do I begin?....I've been steadily plodding along with a new painting that seems never to be finished. It's supposed to be Casanova but is developing into a far more "English" lover. I don't mean he has a union flag tattooed on his unmentionables...just the whole image has a distinctly "english" feel. I'm not sure if that makes any sense but it does to me so ya boo sucks. I'm battling to create a very atmosperic and "Old masterish" painting and I seem to be loosing the battle...it's still early days so all may come right in the end. Heydy hooooo...who said that painting was "relaxing"? I shall continue on like the intrepid artist that I am and, if all else fails I can use it as a very pretentious place mat. Mmmmm.....wish me luck.

I had a very enjoyable time at the launch of "nude". A big thank you to Drew and Ian of "Luke and Jack" for inviting me to exhibit. It was not only the opening of "nude" but also the launch of the "Virginia Gallery" and I must say a good time was had by all. The new gallery is very impressive and a beautiful venue to display ones wares. My wares will be on display until March alongside many other talented and creative artists and photographers. Please pop along if you get the opportunity and cop a gander at the work...it's well worth a look and all in the best possible taste...oooooer. Ian and Drew will be happy to see you and will make you most welcome. If you get an uncontrollable urge you could also have a saunter round their shop upstairs.

I am soon to start a very creative project with a supremely talented young sonic artist called Jamie Sturrock. He's composing a piece of "audio art" that I will create a visual for...I'm dead excited about this as it's so out of my normal remit. In Jamies words "we're well stoked" about the project and working together. He's so bleedin' young that I feel positively geriatric when he's about which should keep me on my toes. It'll be good to just roll with in and not have to worry about the conscripts of the "norm"....ooooer...hark at me sounding all "Turner prize"...all I'm saying is that it'll do me good to challenge myself to think out of the box a tad more. Here' hoping I can and that young Jamie is happy with what I do........ooooooooo...eeeeeeeerrrrr!

Just want to say thank you to Ike in London for his patronage...it was a joy to know that "After the Ride" went to such a worthy home...Thank you.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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