Sunday 28 August 2011

Bonjourno my chums!

I trust everyone is well this dull and chilly day?

I've been a well busy bloke...I've just finished a commission painting for a really nice geezer called Simon. A big thank you to him for his patronage and support. It's a painting of Edith Bouvier Beale of the infamous "Grey Gardens" It was a brilliant commission to work on cos she was such a bonkers old bint...all faded socialite glamour and crazy cat lovin' antics. She lived with her mad old mother who sang alot. I love them! I'm hoping that I managed to portray "Lil' Edies" character....she was the kind of "all fur coat and no knickers" that everyone was scandalised by...ooooer.

I've also finally finished the "Water Ghosts" painting.! T'was an epic to be sure. I'm just letting it sit for a spell to see if owt else needs doing to it...I realise that it's an organic piece of work but there are limits to how much more I want it to grow. The sonic artist Jamie Sturrock who collaborated with me is now tweeking the composition and then it should be set to exhibit. Mmmmm....we are now looking for suitable venues so that we can include the full spectrum of senses that this "piece" needs. I want a damp place but think that's just my age ha ha he he.... We would dearly love a dark almost cave type venue to really do it justice but realise that this may prove a tad difficult. Ho hum...we shall see.................onwards and upwards.

I'm also having dialogue with a thoroughly nice chap called David Oddy who is "La Hausse" an arts magazine that is both creative and informative. Please check it out on this 'ere link...

David is putting together a special edition of the magazine called the "Dark Edition" It will be featuring erotic art and literature. It is in this edition that I am hoping to contribute. Please watch this space......also, please support the magazine as it is so worth it.

Other big news is I have met up with a very very lovely young lady called Julie Waddington. She has set up an online gallery oooooer. Please check out I am part of this fabulous kabutz of artists and am sooooo excited about it all I leave moist patches everywhere.......

There are to be "pop up" exhibitions and I may well be popping up all over Scotland...hurrah! It's all very new to me and I thank Julie for including me. I want to also say a big big fat humongous thank you to Mark Getty for linking us up. Mark...not only are you a brilliant artist but a bloody nice geezer to boot....cheers fella!

Finally....just to let you know I will be featuring in Fiona Wilsons show at Virginia Gallery, Virginia Street, Glasgow in September. Please pop along and have a gander. Fiona is a stunning artist and you'll be blown away by it all. The exhibition is called "Tease" ooooer. I'll have a large one on view and my painting is quite big too..........sorry I apologise am having a "Carry On" kind of kicks off 16th September for a month. The painting I am displaying is a diptych and is inspired by street theatre meets lovers meets shamans meets communication.....yes I know it's a gobfull but I know what I mean............

I've also finished the first of the "Urban Deciples" down 12 to's a gonna be a long one......

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

Wednesday 3 August 2011


Oh damn and blast...I've been so useless. It's been eons since I last wrote owt on here I'll be amazed if anyone reads this....ho hum.

Now then my chums I have no excuses and I have no no one to blame for my lack of scribing so please forgive and we'll start over....

I have had a fab exhibition at "Save the Children" in Stockbridge, Edinburgh...a big fat thank you to Barbara for letting me display my wares in her space...ooooer. You are a star! It all went swimmingly well and I actually sold a painting. It was "Romulus and Remus" and it went to a very lovely couple called Robbie and Freddy....thank you boys for all your support. Apart from this fantastic sale in these horrible cash strapped times...I had so much positive feedback that my cockles were well and truely much so infact that I needed asbestos undercrackers...ho hum.

I was approched following the exhibition by a wonderful and very talented lady called Michelle Walker...please check out her work in "National Geographic" as it is stunning! She is considering opening a new gallery in Edinburgh early next year and has asked if I would like to be involved. I am dead chuffed and also very excited as I have so many ideas bubbling up in my bonce at the moment. I can also say that, after hearing this, my cockles got so warm they spontaneously combusted.......

I also met a lovely lady called Ruth who has connections with the art world...she's about to return to America...Miami Beach to be precise and reckons my work would go down rather well out there. Cooooo and lawks a lummey...I could go "Stateside" where did I put my thong, fake tan and Charles Atlas work out book?

I'm still plodding along with the "Water Ghosts" painting....blimey, I know I said it was "organic" and "growing" but I never reckoned on it being quite so bleedin''s a very slow process this one. It doesn't help that I have never worked on something as big and it's painful. Being a dwarf I find it quite a challenge to stretch that far over a painting without needing a truss at the end of the day....I don't think the stretching exercises have help much but I can now get my legs behind my head and open a can of coke at the same time. Not sure if this will enhance the painting any but I'm very popular in a crisis....ooooer.

Joshing aside...this painting is proving to be totally different from anything that I've done in eons...thankfully the model that I used for it is suitably impressed so that's ok. Thank you flame haired temptress for being so supportive and patient.

I have finally finished the triptych..."The Lover, The Wife and The Husband"'s just got to be framed up now. I am considering putting in to the forthcoming "Tease" exhibition that is taking place at the Virginia Gallery. The very talented Fiona Wilson is showing and has kindly asked me to contribute a painting....must say I'm so honoured...the woman is mega talented.

I've also began work on a series of paintings that will end up creating a huge painting...mmm...not sure if that makes any sense but, in my world, it does. It's going to be based on "The Last Supper". I know in my head how I want it ends up is anyones guess...ho hum. I've got shed loads of peeps to agree to be used so there's a start. I'm wanting to go back to my "spiritual" roots....oooooer how very pretentious I hear you screech...not ya boo sucks to it. I will reveal all at a later date and then you'll know what I'm banging on about...well here's hoping you do or I'm going to look very silly.........

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x