Sunday 31 March 2013

Well Happy happy happy Easter my chums...

Coooooo lummey, it's ben a piggin' cold old do to be sure....snow snow and more snow brrrrrrrr.
Right let's crack on as they say.....I've been well and truely busy..hurrah!

I've finished the book cover to the clients satisfaction....mmmmm....not sure about it as it's so different to what I usually do. However, he liked it which is all that counts really and it does sum up the story and all of that. A pat on the back all round is deserved I's hoping it leads to other illustration work.

I've got a wee pop up exhibition coming up on 14th April at House For An Art Lover....ooooer posh. The details of which will be on this 'ere invite flyer....please please do feel free to come along and have a wee gander. It'll be full to the brim with art in bloody gorgeous surroundings and you get to munch on cake and have tea....well hurrah and hurrah! I will be exhibiting four paintings..."March Hares" "Trailer Park Crucificion" "Out Damn'd Spot" and my newest..."No Access"
I'm dead excited about it all as this venue is Rene Mackintosh and I just love the place. I also get to meet shed loads of other artists and lots of wonderful peeps....
I'm continuing on my theme of auto biographical work....don't ask me why...reckon it's an age thing. I have this theory that the older you get the more invisible you become....I have no intention of ever being invisible...even if this means looking like a dogs dinner and disgracing myself. Who said old meand boring?....mmmmmmm.......
I'm also checking out other venues to exhibit in....will keep everyone posted as to how that develops.
In the meantime I shall away and busy my person with business and purpose....or eating easter eggs and hot cross buns ho hum...

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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