Sunday 12 May 2013

Morning my special chums!

T'is Sunday and the birds are singing....mind...they're singing in the damp...blimey...Spring has definitely rusted and buggered off back from whence it attempted to leave from....

I just wanted to announce that "Banquos Ghost" has been sold...hurrah and hurrah! A big thank you to Admirable Antiques for all their sterling work at flogging my wares at their establishment. Oh and a big thank you to the lovely lady who bought it despite protests from a reluctant hubby ooooer.
Here's hoping it's the start of a deluge of sales...well a starving artist can dream.....
Work continues on "Bruised"'s being rather slow to be honest. thinks that might have something to do with the fact that I'm painting in a different manner. Have no idea how this developed...I can only guess that the subject matter has a far deeper meaning for me than the other subjects I paint. deep and fraudian....oooooer.
I'm going to be giving/attending an art workshop in Glasgow this coming week. It's all very scary and I'm just hoping I don't bugger it all up. I would hate to dissappoint all those wee souls who have taken the time to attend. Anyrode up...I'll post up proper details when I have them to hand...but...thank you Garry for thinking of me and wanting me to do it....cheers fella!

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Bonjour bonjour bonjour!

I'm speaking French due to the fact that I'm going to be a grand dad and my future daughter in law is french ooooo la la. Just wanted to post this because it's splendid news and everyone is jolly jolly jolly about it so hurrah and hurrah!
I've been quite a busy geezer really. The Bespoke Art Gallery Pop Up exhibition at House For An Art Lover was a humongous success. Well done Julie, Mark and David for all the bleedin' blood sweat and tears they put into it. I flogged a painting so am doubly grateful to them. "No Access" sold to a very nice couple from Kilmarnock. A big thank you to them for liking it enough to buy it....cheers boys! The only sad thing about it was the model Chris never got to see the finished piece before it was whisked away...apologies Chris...but the boys say you can go and have a gander at it whenever you want.
I've been painting a self was a very very odd thing to paint. I'm still 25 years old in my bonce but having studied my own face for a painting has well buggered up that fantasy....hey looks like there's to be more vaseline in use in my house oooer. The bloody mirrors are already smeared to within an inch of their lives. I finally got it finished and was convinced I'd painted my father....mmm....ho hum....suppose it has managed to confirm to me that age comes to all of us. I've titled it "Vanishing" as I'm fading into the surroundings. I have this theory that the older you get the more invisible you become. It's been a very therapeutic project if I'm honest and has inspired a new series of paintings about facing demons and other life changing events. I'm quite interested in how this series pans out as I'm working the paintings in a different way. They're sort of evolving after long discussions with the models. It'll probably been the least commercial work I've done since the "Self Harming" series.....oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo er.

I've now got a body of work at JAG Gallery in Brighton...courtesy of Chris Campen of "Campen Creatives. Thanks Chris for all your support and promotion. I'm so happy to have some paintings in the very south of the Country as I originate from's a bit like going home ho hum. If any of yous are in the vacinity...pop along and have a wee gander. Chris is a lovely bloke so you can have a wee blether to him whilst you're there.
I'm also displaying my Admirable Antiques in New Abbey Dumfrieshire. It's a beautiful place and has a bloody fantastic tea room next to the ruins of Sweat Heart Abbey...which is gaaaaaaaawjussssssssss and sells cake and cake more cake....yum yum. Now that's worthy of vist peeps.

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x