Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Well fiddle my dee and tra my la las....Hello peeps!

Coooo lumey I've been dead dead busy of late. I've been organising commissions and arranging photo shoots the live long day. Hurrah and hurrah!

Mmmm...where to begin? I'm about to embark on a wee image of Christs face. It's for a theatre group in London...I'm not sure how it's to be used but it's dead exciting having ones work on a stage for a "run". Ooooooer...how theatrical of me so slap me twice and call me Dame Judy.
I've also been out and about taking photos of a very nice bloke called Daryl. He has bravely agreed to be the model for a wee sereis of painting that I want to do on "Male Sexual Abuse". These are going to be a very difficult challenge as I'm not wanting to be to "in your face". I'm hoping that, between us, we've manged to strike a balance. Anyrode up...these are for an exhibition in Glasgow later this year. I'll post up more info as and when I get it......
A big huge enormous thank you to Daryl for shedding his clothes on such a bloody cold day and for an artist who was very unsure as to what he was doing....ho hum.

I've managed to finish another piece for the "Ghosts and Gods" series. This one is "The Actors Ghost"...it's an actors biggest fear that he looses the ability to speak or move. This image was inspired by a conversation with the model...it is his "ghost". Thank you Alex for being such a bleedin' fine model.
I've sort of started another...it's still very early days. This one hasn't a title as yet...all I can give you is that it's about a man responding to voices. Needless to say it has been inspired by the work that I did on an Acute Psychiatric Ward and the clients that I met there. I'm really hoping this one works as it's a difficult subject to paint...so pinkies crossed and pecker up.....

Anyrode up...I'm off to have a conversation with a couple of rather nice lads who want to be painted as angels....oooooer.

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

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