Monday 12 May 2008

Good evening all,

I am writing this following a rather nightmare day on the ward....well, to be honest, it's been bleedin' horrendous! No bodies fault really and not very sedate of me to say so but I need to voice this as it has a baring on how I am feeling and how this blog is written. It is my way of saying that my head is mashed and I may not come across as the usual "up-beat" and "sparky" geezer that I like to portray.
Apologies now to any body that I may have offended with this previous statement but I do try to remain honest about my emotions. I shall shut up now and continue...........

The painting progresses and, dare I say as much, is looking mighty fine...mind you, this is usual at this stage in the proceedings and will, no doubt, plummet in my estimation nearer completion. Once I've almost finish a piece I go through a major crisis of faith in my abilities and convince myself it is all a piece of worthless crap...hey ho the torment of an insecure mind! I am about to begin the painting of the birds to finish the "Romulus and Remus" and am dead excited about it all. It's eons since I painted any form of wild life so it could either make or break this piece of work...ooooer...I'm excited and very worried at the same time. Is this a normal state of affairs? I ask myself...and...going on how much I fanny about before getting on with the actual painting, will I ever finish??? It is inded a concurrent countdown conundrum. I really will have to make a real effort as I am getting dead worked up about the next painting....not giving owt away at the moment as it is all buzzing about in my head.

Can I just say here and now how fantastic and truely beautiful this country is when the weather is sunny and the bluebells are out. I have spent the weekend in the wild outdoors and have been so in awe of it's splendor! Blimey, I sound almost Byronic....or moronic, depending on your view point. I do feel very inspired and humbled when the spring is springing and the summer is about to burst forth...what can I say...???....I'm artistic!
On that very up myself note I shall stop...

Thanks for reading,

Ivor x

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