Monday 18 August 2008

Good evening peeps,

Mmmmm...I have returned from the darkest of places and am endeavouring to bung down a new blog. The darkest places I refer to are the ones that I create so easily in my mind, blimey, is all creativity so bleedin' difficult? I sort of lied in my last blog by saying that the "Neptune" painting would be a piece of cake...not so my's been a complete nightmare. It began with such promise and verve but descending into complete shambolic chaos. I blame my lack of foresight and capabilities with the reference I was using. Paul, the bloke modelling, had been very kind and sent me the photograph that I requested, I, however, didn't realise that it was not lit in the way that I wanted to paint it. Hey ho...upshot of it all was a less than adequate painting...mmmm that'll teach me to be so cocky.
All is not lost though because Paul has obligingly agreed to meet up with me when I next visit London to have some more photies done...he's a gentleman and a scholar. In the mean time I have started another painting and am pleased to say this one is progressing nicely...famous last words and all that. This one is still going to be "Neptune" but painted with a different slant. The model is called Will...cheers Will, I hope that you'll be happy with what I do with your image.

I continue to plod along happily on the ward...there is a very talented artist with us at the moment. He seems unaware of how good he is and I am in the process of trying to nurture him with out scaring him off...he is not in a good place emotionally and the balance of "pushing" and "holding back" is very delicate. I hope that he will eventually have the insight to realise his talent he really is rather good.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

Friday 1 August 2008

Hello my special chums,
Apologies for being so long in talking to excuses...just apathy on my part. Blimey, it's been a bugger of a few weeks. The thing is I returned to work following a couple of weeks leave...not a very happy event as it takes me eons to get back into the swing of things. Mind, after a couple of hours it was like I'd never been away...hey ho.

I have been bashing away at my "Romanesque" wall paintings and am very nearly "happy" with them. It has taken shed loads of hysterics, a ton of sleepless nights and heaps of vallium to get me to this point...not that I am prone to exaggeration. I have re worked and reworked "Romulus and Remus" and "Mars"...I am now embarking on "Neptune". I think that this one should go more smoothly as I have had loads of practice on the other two. My only concern is that, at this rate, my paintings will be as bleedin' old as the Romans them selves.

I have been out and about appreciating the English counrty side...I was "a walking" the rivers and canals of Lancaster last week end and very nice it was too. I am still constantly amazed at how beautiful this country can be in the good weather...a thing that has to be taken advantage of when it is available. This week I was gardening in the pouring rain with some of the clients....why???...I ask myself. They insisted, so who am I to dissappoint them? Just kept on digging and thinking a couple of days ago I was whacking my bits out in the's a concurrent countdown conundrum to be sure...mind, not for poor old Carol Vordeman any more...

I'm rambling...I do apologise...think it's the fumes from the glue I've been using to frame up these paintings...

Thanks for taking the time,

Ivor x