Monday 18 August 2008

Good evening peeps,

Mmmmm...I have returned from the darkest of places and am endeavouring to bung down a new blog. The darkest places I refer to are the ones that I create so easily in my mind, blimey, is all creativity so bleedin' difficult? I sort of lied in my last blog by saying that the "Neptune" painting would be a piece of cake...not so my's been a complete nightmare. It began with such promise and verve but descending into complete shambolic chaos. I blame my lack of foresight and capabilities with the reference I was using. Paul, the bloke modelling, had been very kind and sent me the photograph that I requested, I, however, didn't realise that it was not lit in the way that I wanted to paint it. Hey ho...upshot of it all was a less than adequate painting...mmmm that'll teach me to be so cocky.
All is not lost though because Paul has obligingly agreed to meet up with me when I next visit London to have some more photies done...he's a gentleman and a scholar. In the mean time I have started another painting and am pleased to say this one is progressing nicely...famous last words and all that. This one is still going to be "Neptune" but painted with a different slant. The model is called Will...cheers Will, I hope that you'll be happy with what I do with your image.

I continue to plod along happily on the ward...there is a very talented artist with us at the moment. He seems unaware of how good he is and I am in the process of trying to nurture him with out scaring him off...he is not in a good place emotionally and the balance of "pushing" and "holding back" is very delicate. I hope that he will eventually have the insight to realise his talent he really is rather good.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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