Wednesday 4 February 2009

Good morning peeps,

I am back from my travels and have finally got the new paintings downloaded onto the website...hurrah!
It's very odd finally getting to look at the paintings on the gallery page, they seem to have been eons and eons in the making. Hey ho... A big fat thank you to Will (Neptune)...Brian (Mercury) and Leigh (Romullus and Remus) for their patience. They have all been sat twiddling their thumbs awaiting a gander of how they ended up looking. Mmmm...I hope that it was worth the wait lads ???
Seriously lads...thank you.

The "Ascension" is plodding along very nicely thank you for enquiring...I'm still not too sure what expression he should have. At the moment he is staring out and looking quite wistful...will have to just go with my gut feeling about it when I'm nearing completion. Incidentally, I was going to bung up a progress painting to be viewed by all...however, in my constant state of thickyness and technophobia, I was unable to download the image onto my USB doodah. Hopefully my very good and patient friend Chris will be able to sort me out to sort it out. Not sure if that makes any sense what so ever but I'm just off to work so am using that as the excuse.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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