Friday 8 May 2009

Good afternoon my chums,

Blimey, blimey,'s been eons since I last blogged. I have been moving house...awaiting tinternet connection and rushing about like a thing possessed. Incidentally I'm now a Scottish bod...having moved across the border. I'm forever tossing off cabers and chasing haggis. I'm also thinking of forming a "Krankies" tribute act but am unsure if I can still get away with wearing shorts...

I'm now installed in my new abode...have unpacked the equipment and have been attempting to paint the second part of the "Ascension" triptych. It's been altered slightly from having wailing deciples and Marys either side to "The birth of Adam" on the left and "A vision of Hell" on the right. Ooooooer! I must say it makes very interesting subject matter. I never realised that poor old Adam was bunged together from dust and had to hang about for 7 days or such til God breathed life into him....still, I suppose we end up as dust so we may as well of come from it too....
The youth I am using as Adam is looking a tad worried at the minute...mind if you're surrounded by the "Holy Ghost", apples and snakes and awaiting life to be breathed into would look a bit anxious. Ho hum. I'm trying to create a smidgeon of mediaeval wall art on this's a conundrum trying to create a twisted perspective without looking as though you've messed it all up. We shall have to see if it works or needs re-jigged when all the background is painted in.

I have also been to see a very nice man who owns a very good gallery in Glasgow. It is a breath of fresh air to meet a bloke who is so passionate about art and who is so knowlegable about it all. He's also very approachable...this does help when the paranoia kicks in and you just want to run for the hills leaving a wake of painted boards behind you..........thank you David.
It's called the Park has a very good website too if you want to check it out. Some of the work in the gallery is outstanding. The upshot of the visit was that David agreed to take all the work that I had brought...hurrah!
I am now on display in a Glasgow gallery and I'm more perky than a perky person on the perky bus leaving perky town for a perky week end away....blimey, I'm chuffed.

The exhibition in Manchester is still on track...well..sort of...may have to burn the midnight oil to get enough stuff together but...hey ho...these things are sent to try us....

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

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