Thursday 21 May 2009

Good evening all...

Well where do I start?'s been a busy old week really. I'm trying to juggle organising work for the exhibition I'm having in Manchester and finishing the commission painting. It's a conundrum to be sure.

The painting of "the creation of Adam" is almost complete...I've still got to organise the framing and give it a general tweaking but, all in all, it's virtually done. It's been an odd commission this one as a great many people have no idea what or who it is I'm painting. I suppose the trouble with painting a religious subject one has to have a good knowledge of the subject matter and there is very limited reference to the creation of Adam in the bible. Plus...and this is a big plus...Michaelangelo's "creation of Adam" on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is a bleedin' tough act to follow...I mean, how iconic is that piece of work? It would of been easier all round to do a traditional "Adam and Eve" painting in the garden of Eden...then everyone would of known who the Adam I'm painting and banging on about is...hey ho.
It's also the second panel of the triptych and I'm crossing my fingers and toes that it balances up to the main panel of "the Ascension". The "Ascension" is already housed in it's new home and awaiting it's two counterparts..... I've never worked on a triptych this seperately before. I usually have all three pieces together to juggle with and balance up, we shall have to wait to see if they all do. soon as this one is finished it's being posted off to meet it's "central" brother so the third will be worked as a seperate entity too. At least the final panel won't confuse's "a vision of Hell"...surely everyones heard of Hell and the Devil ??? It's a concurrent countdown conundrum if they haven't..............Ho Hum.

I'm now on display on the Park Gallery's website...I'm still dead chuffed about that one. David, the owner, has proved to be such a diamond geezer...he's very "on the ball" and it's been a pleasure doing business with him. I thank you're a star.

Right I'm off to do some research about "Hell" in general...sure as hell hope there's more reference to it in the Bible than there was of the "creation of Adam"...will save shed loads of confusion...

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

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