Tuesday 18 August 2009

Good morning everybodies...

Mmmm...what can I say?...I've been a lazy git?...I forgot my blogging duties?...mmmm.

To be fair I've been painting flat out and have only just allowed myself some respite from all the blood, sweat and tears that is "the art" and all it's creation. Yes I know I sound like a pretentious moron, but verily and forsooth, t'is the truth. Glasgow's Park Gallery have launched their "figurative" exhibition...it began on Saturday 15th and will run for a month. I am honoured to say that I am included in the exhibition...having 9 pieces of work on view. Thank you David for letting me be well hung in your gallery....ooooer.

The "Urban Angel" series continue and they seem to be developing at their own pace. I'm not sure if they're quite the same concept as I had in my head at the time of starting them. They have aquired an ethereal quality that smacks less of "gritty urban wasteland" and more "this is modern life and it sucks" Ho hum... They were inspired by some old Tudor masterpieces that I saw at a country house...the idea was to paint a portrait that was detailed and coloured to an inch of it's life and to twist the scene with modern symbolism...mmmmmmm and ho hum. I always create a painting that the viewer can look at and make some decisions as to what is happening. Someone asked me why all my subjects have tears in their eyes...the viewer is left to decide the scenario and if they're tears of joy or sorrow, sometimes it isn't that obvious....

I am now painting like the clappers to get enough work together for the Manchester exhibition in November...I'm off to check out the space next week so will have some idea of how many pieces I will need. I am grateful to "Taurus Bar" in Canal Street for letting me exhibit with them and allowing me to crash in on them next week....Pride starts, so they'll all be dead busy. I'm really looking forward to this exhibition as it'll be my first solo in a while....dead dead scary scary stuff...just hope my arm holds out, I've not had this much arm ache since adolescence.....I'm still unsure if I will just exhibit one series of paintings or to go for a more diverse theme...mmmm...it's a concurrent countdown conundrum to be sure.

I spoke to a very nice lady called Christine at "The Regent" in Edinburgh this past week and I have set a date to exhibit with them in January 2010. I will be starting the year with my wares on display...this is a great feeling as it sets a tone for the coming year.....hopefully. Well a bloke can dream can he not? I just hope my eyes and arm hold out...I'm not as young as I was...reckon it's time to break out the muti vits and cod liver oil........hey ho.
I've also got some commission work to get done in between all of this displaying of wares...I'm dead excited...long may it continue and ya boo sucks to the "credit crunch" and the dreaded "recession"

If you feel an uncontrollabe urge...check out these sites...apparently the more hits the further up googles pole one goes...ooooer.


Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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