Thursday 9 July 2009

Hello everyone...

Mmmmm...I'm finally getting my finger out and doing this blog. I have no idea why it's taken me so long to attempt it. I blame my age and ability to get very distracted rather than do what I really should be doing...ho hum. Well here goes..............

I have finally finished "Vision of Hell"...the third panel of the triptych I was commissioned to do. It has winged its way to Olde London Town to sit along side it's brothers. I must admit to be rather happy with the way it turned out. Lucifer became the image I wanted him to be...slightly smug and not at all "horny" or "gnarled". I mean, he was one of Gods chosen at the start and sat merrily along side the other Angels in Heaven. It's a shame he became ambitious and naffed God off...mmmm...think there's a lesson for us all there. I wonder how many of us out there think that ambition is such a sin???...oooer, I've come over all theological. I shall desist forthwith.
The three paintings sit very well together..or so I'm informed by their owner. He reckons they all work as a composition. I have yet to see them in situ and am thankful that they ended up's the first time I've done a triptych with out each panel being available to size up. I must say it's all worked out swimmingly well, especially as my mathematical skills leave alot to be desired. I don't even think I made CSE at school....oh bum...that's aged me.

The "Urban Angels" have been started. They're being painted very "old masterish" with a twist. Wanted them to be very detailed and make the viewer look for all the bits of modern symbolism etc...well that's the theory...let's hope they turn out that way. I have a habit of altering the concept as I go. I blame my over active imagination and the fact that I'm so easily distracted. I start with a definite plan in my head and initial inspiration for a series...but then...hey all goes belly up because I see something else that tweaks my imagination. I've sort of ended up seeing great beauty in power stations and knackered buildings to getting overly moist about old Tudor's a concurrent countdown conundrum. I have recently visited Drumlanrig's very beautiful and full of some extremely stunning paintings...hence the moistness...upshot of it all is..ornate frames, small scale portraits and derelict buildings. Mmmm we shall have to see how they evolve.

Can I say a great big fat thank you to David at Park Gallery...he's flogged one of my paintings and I'm blissfully happy about it. It's the "Mars" painting...the model has been informed and is chuffed to bits he will be adorning a patrons wall, as am I....and as is David I should imagine as he can feel relieved that his faith in my work has been justified.....

Thank you David.
Thank you Greg for modelling.

I've also landed a couple of portrait commissions recently...this has perked me up as they're quite scary to do and will keep me on my toes. Scary because they can be a right challenge. It is human nature to see oursleves so differently from how others see us. This is the challenge which I hope I can rise to...ooooer. They are both so different and have to be worked accordingly, I always keep the client aware of every stage of the painting...that way they can say if they approve or not. It may seem an odd way of working, I know some artists who don't want anyone to see the piece until it's finished. I'd rather work this way as it can save so much time and anxiety on everyones part. Thank you to John and Frank for having such faith in is much appreciated. Here's hoping I rise to it...ooooer again.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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