Monday 2 November 2009

Morning Peeps,

Hope that all's well in your worlds....mine has been a tad hectic of late and I'm still recovering from a rather frenzied weekend in Manchester....ho hum. Blimey...and there was me thinking that the Americans had the edge on halloween................

I've been in Manchester to set up and launch the limited edition print series...the partying was a sort of distraction. They can be seen in Taurus Bar in Canal Street, please feel free to pop along and have a gander. It's been a busy old time what with the prints, commissions and new paintings and I'm rather pleased with how it's all turned out. Major thank you to David from Park Gallery....he's been a diamond and his advice has been invaluable. The prints have been produced on canvass as well as paper and look very impressive....even though I say it myself. Mmmm...modesty Ivor...modesty.

I'm about to embark on some new paintings...these are going to be on a larger scale and a square format...something I rarely do so it will be an experience and a challenge. I have a vague concept sparking around in my head about "changelings" and "opposites"....there are some animals lurking there to but these may not surface but just be a side line....ho hum. T'is hard at times for the creative flow not to be clogged up with sidelines...I blame to many cakes and a shed load of sugar.....really need to go on a detox.

I finished the commission painting and...despite the current postal was shipped off to the client. He was very happy with it which made me even more happy that he was happy and, subsequently there were a couple of happy people being happy. Thank you Frank for your was much appreciated.

Also....I'd like to say a big thank you to Dillon Buck who has used the painting I did of him as a limited edition T Shirt as part of his new clothing range. Thank you fella....I am mucho honoured my handsome friend.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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