Thursday 24 December 2009

Bon morrow my festive chums,

Well ding dong merrily...tra la la la la...deck the bowels with sprigs and a fiddly diddly diddly dee!
T'is Christmas Eve.

I trust that everyone is well and prepared for the festivities. I am taking time out after a rather busy six months...I've sort of wound down and taken early retirement for the season, ho hum. This was partly due to being inundated with Christmas visitors and partly due to being knackered.

The "Urban Gothic" series of paintings are ticking along nicely. "Red Riding Hood" is now ensconced at Park Gallery for all the world to view. Please feel free to pop along and have a gander. I wanted to create the atmosphere of "chemistry" between the subjects...mmmm...I'm hoping I have. Riding Hood looks quite the saucy wench and I'll leave you to decide what the big bad wolf is thinking about. This piece, along side "Out of the Shadows" were tackled quite differently from my usual way of working. There was shed loads of over lays and wash painting on top of the block work to be done...I wanted the paintings to have lots of half shadows and an atmospheric quality. I will be following these two with more re tellings and grown up versions of Fairy Tales, Gothic Novels and Nursery Rhymes....oooooer. I reckon these tales were so dark and full of hidden agendas, why not bring them up to date. Mmmmm....we will have to wait and see how successful thay are when completed.......

Also...if you have the urge...there is an opportunity to see "Colin and Justin" in all their jungle glory at Park Gallery in Glasgow. I painted them whilst they were otherwise engaged in a jungle eating kangeroos privates and various grubs. This doesn't seem to have phased them and they look every inch the designer celebrities in the painting...complete with very "designer" combat suits. I'm amazed that Justin stuck it out so long...I know I bleedin' wouldn't of....heydy ho.

The limited edition prints have been received rather well and I'm so very very chuffed about it all. I've gone "global"....ooooooer...Germany and New York are displaying my wares in their lounges...I'm practically an ambasador...I shall have to break out the fererro roche and spoil every one. Please check out the prints on my website....if you go to "contact" and click the link you can view all the prints and print off a brochure if you so wish. I'm also exhibiting these at "the Regent" in Edinburgh in January. The exhibition kicks off on the 2nd January and runs through to the end of the month...please pop along and have a look as I would be so very honoured if you did.................

I would like to say a big huge thank you to some David at Park Gallery for his support, relentless enthusiasm and constant nagging...he calls it "constructive criticism" and "brain storming"...mmmmm...luv ya. Thank you to Rachel for all her ideas and having to edit the nonsense I write. Thank you to all who have been patronising me throughout the to be patronised...bring on the patronising is what I say....especially Michael and Alan who have both contributed ideas that have been most welcome. Thank you to Frank and John for taking a leap of faith and commissioning portraits....and lastly...a big fat thank you to Graham for just being..............

Well my chums have a frolic filled and fun packed festive. Enjoy!

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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