Sunday 7 March 2010

Bon morrow bon morrow bon morrow,

How are you all my special chums? It is blogging time once more and I'm feeling perkier than a perky person on a perky bus. Spring seems to have arrived finally and it has put a smile on my face.

I've been very busy of late and have managed to sell quite a few paintings. The small "Fairy Tale" series have all been sold. I followed the "Snow Queen" with the "Match Girl" and "Snow White". They were a bit of a seasonal offering and represented the four seasons of the year...hence them being a "seasonal" offering. I know I'm rambling but you'll have to bare with me as I'm practically chained to my artist chair these days and have lost the ability to communicate unless it is through the medium of "the art".....ooooooer. I'm am considering having my paintbrush surgically attached to my hand to cut out the time I have to pick it up upon waking in the morn.
Did I say that "Heathcliff" has gone to a new home?...he is now looking suitably angst upon some ones wall. "Last Days of Summer" has also been given a new abode....I'm really chuffed about that as I so wanted him to go to a good place. Thank you to all my patrons for wanting my images to enhance their establishmnets....I am deeply chuffed.
The prints are also selling quite well and I am now "global"....oooooer...Condaleeza eat your heart out. Apparently my angels are now flying all round Europe....details on how to grab yours are on the website....................

I am exhibiting a new set of paintings at Park Gallery, Glasgow at the end of May...27th to be precise. The concept of this new batch is still ruminating in my bonce. I can see shed loads of scenery...lots of gorgeous women and handsome blokes....people changing into animals, birds and trees....unrequited love....seasonal and symbolic flowers...and lashings of love.
Alongside all of this I will also be endeavouring to produce other images to be displayed in the gallery....I have a very enthusiastic gallery owner called David who's support knows no bounds....cheers David and cheers to Rachel too, his glamorous assistant.

I'm almost finished painting "Houdini and Rosabel"'s all very unrequited, sensual and romantic. Here's hoping that the finished image lives up to my idea of how it should look. I am very very critical of my own stuff and have been known to go into critical meltdown when I've finished a piece. Thankfully it never lasts too long and my universal compassion and calm return...mind, it may take a smack round the head and some reassuring words...thank you Graham.

I feel the muse calling...thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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