Monday 8 February 2010

Bon morrow my special chums,

Happy happy happy belated doodahs to you all...yes I know it's late and I know I should of wished you all well before this time....I have no excuse. Well take me out and flog me, I'm incontinent or incompetent...either way I am contrite.

I've been a very busy old artist...I've been painting the Urban Gothic series and am progressing rather well. The "Snow Queen" and "Red Riding Hood" have been sold recently and, I am pleased to say, have gone to a very appreciative home. I'm now working on "The Little Match Girl" as the third of this size of paintings. It's a very sad tale indeed and I'm trying really hard to capture the beauty aswell as the sadness of this particular tale. It is also rather apt as the weather has been baltic and the poor wench did have to squat in doorways lighting matches to keep warm...mmmmmm...I'd of been tempted to set fire to the pillock that had forced me out to flog the damn things in the first place but..hey ho.
There appears to be a pattern forming with these images and all the ladies in question seem to have very distinctive's hoping the two that follow are equally as unique.

I've also been painting "Heathcliff" as part of a literary romantic series. I reckon it follows on from the Fairytale and gothic lot....I'm attempting to give thes characters a more "streetwise" image and bring them into the 21st century. Here's hoping I can pull it off...these bods are so well known that every person who's read the books have their own take on what and how they should look...oooooooer.
I need to say a great big thank you to Safi who modelled as Heathcliff. The bloke endured sub artic conditions to squat in a doorway on a Glasgow street and have me point a camera at him. I was wrapped up in coat, gloves and scarf...he was shivering in jeans and baring his chest.

Thank you're a star!

I was also commissioned to paint a picture to celebrate 100 years of the Alhambra cinema in Penrith. It's an independent movie theatre and well worth checking out. I hope all who have frequented the venue for the past 100 years appreciate the painting...I had a blast painting it.

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

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