Monday 23 May 2011

Good afternoon peeps!

Cor blimey t'is windy...and I do refer to the weather here and not my bodily functions. I must admit the weather does seem to affect my mood and ability to paint. Well...that's my excuse as to why I've not got off my arse and entered the studio boo sucks!

It's also because I've had a very busy week end...well...Sunday at any rate. Had to go to Glasgow to collect paintings and then charge over to Edinburgh to meet up with Barbara from "Save the Children" was this very day that the Sat Nav decided to have a major hissy fit and die, she kept screaming "recalculating" and then just went into a coma. It was then my turn to have a hissy appears that we live in an age where we rely on technology. I then turned into a hybrid of Coporal Jones and Private Frazer...."Don't panic" and "we're doomed, doomed" I should of been slapped but Graham was still driving...ho hum. Luckily Ian and Drew from the Virginia Gallery sorted us out a google map so all was not lost.....

Where to start?..........

I'm about have my wares on display for all the world to see in Edinburgh. Stockbridge to precise.

It's for "Save the Children" so I'm feeling positively saintly. The exhibition will run for the whole of June...full details will be blogged as and when I get them....oooooer.

It looks like the "Love Spirit" exhibition is not to be....have no idea what's going on there be quite honest...I don't think they have either. They appear to send out emails on an "adhock kind of wing and a prayer" type way. It's all very Miss day it all becomes clear and then the next...tits up, major hissys and plot turns. Hey ho and fiddledee dee, I'm just letting it all slide and watching what occurs...mmmmmmmmmmm. Sad thing is I was donating a painting for their funds but no ones seems to care or know or both.................

I'm sure I will find a home for the painting that was on offer so all is not lost. I do hope they manage to get their act together because their ethos and philosophy was an all singing... all dancing... all embracing spiritual fest with a "gung ho homos will save the world" approach....mmmm...........sending this with love......

I'm still plodding along with the "Water Ghosts" project. Jamie has sent me the nearly finished cut of the composition...ooooooooer...I was dead impressed. It's all so evocotive. I'm just hoping my visual will match his audio.'s supposed to be a very fluid painting but I keep getting bogged down with the boundaries that I'm desperately trying not to impose on myself. Bugger and blast!'s a conundrum to be sure. I keep taking time out to do other paintings in the hope it'll loosen me up. Mmmmmm....reckon at this rate I'll have to break out the laxative and bran flakes...ho hum. Hope the washing machine and my under crackers can cope with the back lash. I'm back on with it tomorrow for a serious piece of knuckling down....wish me luck.

I decided to do another "frame within a frame" painting. This ones entitled "Angel presenting a Sunflower"...I wanted to give "The Adoration of the tattooed Christ" a friend. I also like to do a new piece specifically for an exhibition so this one will sit well in Edinburgh. I can honestly say the frame was a complete s**t to do.....hey ho...the only carpenter I know is the one that died from anorexia so I was totally on my own with it....mind..I don't think singing "Sha la la la la" and "Dooby doo ah" at it helped in any way shape or form.....Ho hum...rainy days and mondays always get me down....

I sold another painting t'other day so am full of perkiness. I was so perky infact that I had to skip for a whole's all I can manage these days with out the aid of a saftey net and reinforced gussets........

Would just like to take the time to say a big thank you to Drew, Ian, Stan, Barbara and...ofcourse...Graham.

Sending waves of love..............

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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