Wednesday 9 May 2012

Howdy doooooody peeps!

well you'll be pleased to know that I have finally moved and am now established in my new abode hurrah! I've also had new windows put into my loft ambiance by the very lovely Baz and not a cockerny tribute act but two very good roofers ho hum. I am now able to paint away merrily up in the roof space without a care in the world......ooooer and hurrah once more!
Right...where to begin?
The "Fallen to Earth" exhibition was well received by one and all and I sold "The Bird Man" to a very lovely lady from Oban called Sarah...she's a beautiful lady and an acomplished artist herself so I was well chuffed. She also has a very beautiful daughter who....I feel...would paint up rather well. I see her bedecked in feathers oooooer. If you're reading this Rowan please feel free to run and flee.....or maybe fly boom boom.

I also sold two paintings at "The House for an Art Lover" exhibition. "Lady with Hawk" and the "Lost Princess"was purchased by an equally beautiful lady called Christine...thank you Christine you're a star and I love you.
In the mean time two other paintings are about to leave me and find new homes in different parts of the country....hurrah and hurrah! Both have gone to blokes...."The Snow Goose" and "The Goshawk and the Blue Tit" are flying South...please excuse the pun.

So all in all it's been a rather productive time and long may it last is all I can say. I have also decided to start doing regular postings so that I can bore you more often......brace yourselves....

To finish this little blogette I will just say that I will be displaying work at two more exhibitions in the not too distant future...details will follow shortly...I bet you can't wait.......

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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