Wednesday 2 January 2013

Well happy happy happy new year my chums!

First of all I need to apologise for the distinct lack of blogs....mmmm....the thing is...I was going to have the whole website re-jigged and freshened up but never got round to getting it sorted. I just let it drift along willy nilly until it had my willy nilly had turned into a major gap...not good for an artist with a profile who wants to climb the dizzy pole of google and have every bod in the world gazing at his wares...ooooooooer! Mmmm..think I overdosed on "Carry On" films over the festive period...ho hum.
Anyrode up....I'm back to wish you well and say sorry. I've been dead busy of late and have been attempting to create a kind of morphing/animal/man set of images. It a current idea I have going on...think it is an off shoot of the shape shifters series I did a while back. It's never properly left me so the up shot is a huge painting of "March Hares" is in the process of being created. It's a strange one this as it's quite minimalist for's just two blokes boxing in a clearing morphing into hares...mmmm...we shall have to see how it turns out. A major thanks goes to my models Matt and Kevin as I had them posing for eons in a rather cold room ooooer.
I've also been featured in a fabulous new publication called Sachet's a journal featuring many world renowned artists. I was well honoured when I was approached to be part of it. Hurrah and thankyou Simon. This brings me onto my other news...I was also approached by a really nice geezer called Eric Gibbons who has asked me to feature in his publication "Art Of Man" so I'm to appear in an American journal....cooooo lummey...I'm global.

I now going to say big thank yous to David from Highstreet Gallery, Julie from Bespokeart Gallery, Drew and Ian from Virginia Gallery, David from Studio18 Gallery and Chris Campen from Campen Creative........
Thank you for displaying my wares and all your support this past year I am internally grateful to you all.
Also a big thanks to Chris Butler for sorting all my art work out so it can be seen by many....he's also the geezer who's to re-jug this site ooooer.
And....thank you Simon for all the support and encouragement and here's to the new projects we're going to be embarking on...hurrah and hurrah!

Oh and thanks graham for putting up with me...x

Blimey...praise the piggin' lordy lord that's's a tad Gwynith Paltrow but, hey's my blog and I'll say what I want to.
This is, ofcourse, a big lead up to telling you that i intend to be doing more stuff this year and shall be attempting to promote myself to within an inch of my dooings....brace yourselves peeps...this could prove a big challenge for all of us oooooooooooer.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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