Tuesday 5 February 2013

Well howdy doody doooooo!

As you can see I now have a lovely new refreshed website extravaganza....hurrah and hurrah! A big humongous thank you to my chum Mr. Chris Butler for taking such a long time and bunging in a lorry load of effort to create it...I'm well chuffed.
Mind....it now gives me no excuse not to blog on a regular basis...I admit to being a tad remiss in that department...my only reason being I'm a lazy git! Enough said...onwards and upwards.
I'm now planning some projects...the big one being a sort of autobiographical body of work that exorcises ghosts, sums me up and allows me to go places I'd not normally go...ooooer..."how mysterious!" I hear you cry. Well...not really actually. I've just decided that I need a few more challenges in my painting life and this one will be a big fat hairy doofah of a challenge. One of the main reasons being...I'm really not certain how it'll unfold. Plus...I want some technical challenges as well as emotional ones. Oooooer...hark at me going all "arty" and ethereal.
I have got a rather brilliant model lined up for the first in this series...strangely enough we sort of bumped into each other on line after a few years. His life mirrors mine at his age so I reckon it's fated he should be the first image. A big thankyou to Chris for agreeing to it all and being so open about what I'm banging on about. Mmmmm...this one could be odd to do..............................

I've finally finished "March Hares"...hurrah! Must admit it was a bugger to keep painting layer upon layer of hairs upon my hares but I think it was worth it. Thankfully my models Matt and Kevin like what I had done to them so that's a piggin' relief....how the hell would I get them to agree to pose again if not I ask myself. Cheers lads....you were bloody splendid!
I've started another of the Shakespeare series....it's called "Out Damn Spot" and is based upon old Lady Macbeth. I must admit I do like painting bonkers old bints, they such fun to do. Hopefully by the time she's finished she'll look less "bonkers" and more disturbed............................

Well that's it for now my chums...
Thankyou for taking the time,

Ivor x

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