Wednesday 30 October 2013

Well howdy bloody doody to one and all!

T'is me....I'm back once more to blog my little doings off and let you know what's been occurring.

Well I've done the first painting for the "Ghosts and Gods" series. These are the ones to be exhibited in Olde London Town next year. Well from 29th September until the 5th October to be precise. I shall be displaying my ample wares at the Tabernacle Studio in Notting Hill very very excited and keep pinching myself...but not very hard as I really don't do pain.

The first painting is entiteld "Prestons Ghost". It is very personal to the model and is an emotional journey for me as well as him. I wanted to capture the essence of Prestons tale and his "ghost" but I'm not going to go into the details of it. I think it would be wrong of me to divulge exactly what he experienced as it's not necessary. I want the viewer to decide what they get from looking in at the image....if I've been successful then a story will evolve.
It was an emotional journey for me as I wanted to honour the trust that Preston had in me when he allowed me to use him and his story. Thank you young man...I'm well chuffed that you like it and that your "ghost" is a true representation of all you experienced.
This is the first of the "ghost" paintings...not all will be so dark...mind...I'm a right old misery at times so they very well could be ho hum. The whole concept of this batch is to try and depict a load of blokes and their particular deamons/gods/spirituality and ghosts oooooooer. Who the flop knows if it'll turn out like I envisaged...who the flop really gives a doodah? All I know is it is something that I want to do so ya boo sucks with knobs on.............mmmmm....not sure if that's a very artistic statement...I'm sure Rembrant didn't refer to knobs...mind...I know that Leonardo was rather partial to some oooooooer.

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

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