Monday 21 October 2013

Morning my chums!

How the devil are you all?
I'm not even going to bother about apologising for the lack of writings on this 'ere blog...I always do and am in danger of everyone not believing a dong dong doodahs of what I'm saying......ho hum.
All I shall say is..."I'm back...hurrah!"

Well shed loads has been going on...I've had quite a few commissions...hurrah and hurrah again.
I've had the pleasure of painting a very nice bloke called Gary as a "Raven/Man" It was a lovely job to do and....thankfully....Gary seems well chuffed with the final result. A big thank you to him for managing to see my vision as his own.
I've also produced a wonderfully over the top camp pice of art work for a wonderful new establishment and night venue in Carlilse called "The Regency" T'is a gay establishment owned and run by two lovely geezers called Glenn and Michael. They asked for bling and camp and got it in abundance ooooer. A big humongous thank you to them for giving me such a fun job. Here's wishing them shed loads of success and an enormous bank balance.....

Now here's a biggie and I'm not talking the contents of a porn stars undercrackers.....I'm going to be exhibiting in Londons Nottinghill for a whole week next year......hurrah and hurrah and another hurrah! I shall be doing a solo exhibition entitled "Ghosts and Gods" I'm wanting to do a series of paintings exploring mans emotional, spiritual and physical "ghosts" so Ooooooooooo and Woooooooooo and all things ethereal. The gallery is called the "Tabernacle" and I'll be buggering off to olde London Town soon to check out it's size and capacity.....a bit like the contents of a porn stars undercrackers again ho hum. amazed chums....the next blog I do will give you some idea of what I'm trying to achieve and probably be the start of many hissy fits and creative meltdowns ho hum.

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

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