Friday, 11 July 2014

Good afternoon my lovely chums!

I trust you're all well and managing to enjoy this splendid is so hot in my studio that I am forced to paint in the buff. Not a pretty sight and full of hazzards and hidden dangers...mainly from knacker bashings on the table corners....ho hum.
I shall desist from ellaborating further as I realise it's close to some folks tea time and I don't want to be resposible for putting anyone off their crumpets.

I continue to paint and paint and paint. I am in danger of having to be surgically removed from my paint brush. I must say it's all going swimmingly well and I seem to be on schedule to gather together a lot of work...hurrah!
I've finished the "Saint or Misguided" Diptych....I think it works ok...well I'm hoping it works ok. Only time will tell really as I'm doing so much painting I am now unable to tell if something is any good or not. T'is a concurrent countdown conundrum to be sure. I think it was Leonardo who said you have to walk away from your work for a while and come back to it later...that way you can see the positives as well as the negatives. Mmmmm....probably worked for a genius like him...I...on the otherhand...just get more depressed ho hum.

I've also been organising commissions between all of this...which has proved rather beneficial as it's forced me to go out and research other topics aside from mental health issues...abuse....religious fervour and ghosts. Hurrah to that. Mind...I've no time to do these commissions until after the exhibition anyways so I thank my clients for their patience. I also reckon that I'll be on such a come down once the exhibition is up and running that I'll be dead enthused about doing these pieces...hurrah again.

I'm having to rethink how I display some of the paintings at this exhibition due to some persons being offended by a mans willy. Mmmm....methinks they need to get out more...or failing a "Playgirl" magazine ho ho ho ho. Actually...I did panic when first I was told of this little hic cup...but it has turned out rather splendidly as the way I will be displaying really enhances the mystery of the work. A big mega hurrah to that.

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

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