Thursday 3 July 2014

Well good morning to one and all!

This will be brief as I just want to post up the poster for the exhibition in London...hurrah!
As you can see it says it all and I'm very much hoping that as many people will come along and have a bloody good gander at the work...................please.
I will be posting up further reminders from now on until the exhibition...well a bloke has to self promote ooooer.

I'm plodding along merrily...working my butt off and trying to create a show that will dazzle and's hoping the London crowd will think so to ho hum. I've just got back from the "Smoke"...I've been sorting out a commission. It's alovely job...a very nice man and I'm really hoping that i can do the guys idea justice. Thank you Colin for having the faith in me to do it.

Well must bugger off and get some more work done....will keep you posted.

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

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