Monday 18 February 2008

Hello All,
once again it is time to inform everyone as to what the flop I have been up to....thankyou for being remotely interested.
The painting of "Mars" is progressing steadily....helped by the fact that the light has been so fantastic of late. Spring is on it's way I there is much rejoicing on my part as I tend to become a complete misery during the winter months...well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
I ventured out and about this weekend and went to "Williamson Park" in is quite beautiful and it's flag ship building the Aston Memorial a fantastic centre piece. It has a very good gallery in its upper reaches which, not only is a very fine exhibition space, but allows fantastic views from its balconies. I was well impressed and and am chomping at the bit to be accepted for an exhibition there....mmmm...well here's hoping, will have to commence a charm offensive. Wish me luck!
Work on the the acute ward seems to be in limbo at the moment...not sure if it is the time of year or all the changes that are being implemented at the moment...???...what ever it is, it is stifling creativity and I am in need of some kick starting myself. Any suggestion would be much appreciated.....

Thanks, as always, for taking the time.....

Ivor x

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