Sunday 24 February 2008

Good afternoon peeps....
Blimey I'm knackered...have been painting all the live long day and dessert fatigues are a bit of a visual nightmare to keep at with out a break. You'd of thought that they'd be a simple thing to just slap on and ignore....not so!
Think I'm sorted now, mind, far too head bashed to judge so am leaving them until my eyesight has returned...This painting of "Mars" is proving to be a strange combination of concentration and nostalgia. The model is a bloke that I have shared some good times with and it is very difficult not to keep wandering off down memory lane....after all, he is suposed to be the God of War so have to keep reeling myself back to the subject at hand. Not sure if smiling whilst painting keeps you focused or not but at least it may lessen the frown lines that seem to be taking over my face....
Can some one please tell me if I am the only one in this world that would rather not rely on computers to communicate with people....I'm referring to my attempts at getting people to respond to the good old days you could phone people and they would have to answer you. I'm so bleedin' useless with this technology I'm never sure if I've even sent the damn things or not....subsequently, I am always nervous about re contacting any one in case they think I am stalking them and call the police!
It is indeed a concurrent countdown conundrum.....

Think I've rambled on enough....thank you for reading,

Ivor x

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