Thursday 7 February 2008

Well hello once more....blimey, you must be very patient as this is only the second blogg I've bunged up on here!...
How the flop does any one manage to keep these things going and do other stuff as well....perhaps it's just me??? I can't "multi task" This is meant to be a kind of apology for being so slow in up dating.........

The first thing I want to say is thankyou for taking the time to look at my web page and for checking this out....I have had a strange old week and a misunderstanding occured with one of my models. I hope that what I am about to say will clear things up for every body. The models painted are in no way connected to the subject that is being painted. The latter paintings are based on the people I have worked with on an acute psychiatric ward....they are a representation of what those clients "experience"....the models were used to protect confidentiality but it in no way represents the models mental health state. Similarily...."Judas" is a bloke called Paul and not a misunderstood apostle.....etc etc...I hope that this is now understandable. Thank you.

The Romanesque painting continues...far too slowly for my liking but, hey ho, it is half way to being presentable....the model concerned it kept posted with regular up dates and is probably sick to death of me bugging them...however, they do not let on and have been very patient. Thanks Greg, you're a star!
This series of paintings are developing into a "Roman God meets the 21st Century" type thing....mmmmm...we'll see...

Thanks for taking the time to read all to care for the needy....

Ivor x

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