Saturday 19 April 2008

Good morning one and all,

I have returned from my visit to Olde London Town in one piece....mind, I am totally broke and completely knackered! I always seem to forget just how expensive London is to eat out wonder it is considered "chic" to be "London thin"'s just a cover up so no one has to eat.

I have come back full of inspiration and my head is completely battered from sensory overload. I went to the "Jarman" exhibition at the Serpentine gallery....not a barrel of laughs I grant you, but very moving non the less...would of like to of seen more of his painting work as I always find them so passionate and animated. I went to the "American print" exhibition at the British Museum too....blimey and Lordy lordy...they certainly knew how to create atmosphere in the days of yore. I know that the computer is a fantastic thing that has made our lives so much easier and see those prints and the way they were created and the time that they must of took and the awe inspiring results of the finished pieces...well, it damn near took my breath away.
I did the "Independant" galleries to check out what was "hip and happenin'" in the world of the not so starving artists...some of the work was very witty and creative and I loved it....other work I did find to be a tad.........enough said!
I did seem to find most of my inspiration and interest on the streets just wandering about aimlessly. I do like a good aimless wander whilst I'm in London. The streets are full of such amazing stuff, like a really cool piece of graffitti or mural...a crumbling building or decrepid gateway. The people are so diverse too...there is so much colour and differing ethnic cultures.

I am now sitting in my studio, staring into space alot and trying to gather my thoughts into some semblance of order. I came back and feel the need to move in a new direction with the paintings...trouble is, not sure how...??? This art lark can be so taxing. "Rommulus and Remus" wait for me to continue working on them, I have had a quick tweak but there is a nagging doubt in the back of my head telling me to go slow as I am in danger of "over working" the piece. Hey ho....who ever said that "ART" is relaxing?
Time for more coffee...I shall, no doubt, continue my day staring into space and calling it contemplation...

Thanks for reading this...

Ivor x

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