Monday 14 July 2008

Good morning my special chums,

I am back from my travels....I have been to exotic Durham Town. It was really fantastic...I can't imagine why the hell Roger Whittaker wanted to leave it???
I have always wanted to visit Durham cathedral because I had heard it was very was indeed. I loved it because, despite being extremely ornate and immense, it was not austere and overpowering. It was very welcoming for a large cathedral....some I have visited give off an almost "you're not worthy to enter" feel to them but Durham was just the opposite. I have no idea if this makes any sense but I know what I mean...
I also climbed the 325 steps of the tower....very nearly needed an oxygen mask and full medical back up when I finally reach the top but the views were spectacular...even through the misty eyes and wheezing. The clutching of the chest was a bit distrating too, not just for me but for the other tourists

One of the reasons I went to Durham was to deliver the commission portrait that I had been painting. I must say it was a tad nerve wracking...had no idea if the guy would like it...had no idea if he'd be honest enough to say...had no idea if it would look like him as it was painted from a photo and I'd never met the bloke. I was squirming a bit pre meet I can tell you. It all turned out great in the soon as I saw him walking across the carpark I knew all would be well because it was "him". I felt like I'd known him for ages, must admit I was dead chuffed. Eddie liked the painting too, he reckoned that I had captured "him" too. The upshot of all this is I am now fully inspired to get back to my work with gusto once more. I was having a bit of a blip recently and felt like giving it all up and running away to the circus. I really must think of somewhere else to run away to...I'm far too old for the circus now and the only chance I'd have of getting in would be to grow a beard and drag up...hey ho! Any who, I digress...I am now going to spend some time re working a couple of the paintings and getting them to a place where I am completely happy with them. I admit that this could take some time due to my paranoia and insecurities...will I ever be truely happy with them???

Thanks for taking the time,

Ivor x

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