Tuesday 14 October 2008

Good morning to you all my special chums,

I have returned from my travels and what a trip it was. It was full of family reunions and howdy doodys and all other interactions. I was at a family wedding so it was choc-a-block to the brim with light hearted drunkeness and "dancing like me dad". I had a very good time.

Whilst I was in Portsmouth I went to see The Mary Rose, HMS. Victory and another old boat whose name escapes me. I admit that bits of old boat don't usually inspire me to be creative but I found all of this very interesting. I had forgotten just how important it all is/was to Portsmouth as a place...I had left it along while back. The surrounding area was really stunning, especially from the top of the Spinaker Tower....not mant sea shanties were being sung and the whole area had a distinct lack of sailors. I did return home rested and ready to carry on with these paintings.

"Mercury" is progressing nicely and I have decided to work it like a "mummy" board and not a mediaeval wall painting. Mind you, I have noticed how the light has changed and how difficult it now is to get a decent days painting in. Hey ho...all those endless dark days...what the hell happened to the summer? I feel like I will end up like that "forger" geezer from "The Great Escape"...I know I'll never be able to locate a pin at the far end of the room, after a day with my brush I have difficulty locating the door. It is the "agedness" creeping up on me....

I have the opportunity to exhibit in Newcastle...only a small venue I may add...but still a chance to get my work seen by the people in the North East. I'm dead excited about it all...I was skipping on a train platform when I received the news...I only realised when someone went to get security. I shall clarify that last sentence...I began skipping during the phone conversation, I would hate for you to think that I just merrily skipped on train platforms for the sheer hell of it. Can I help it if I'm over excitable?
Anyways, I am now painting like the clappers to get enough work together...I've just flogged two paintings so have to make up the short fall. The trouble is, I don't do speed in my work...I do methodical...it's a conundrum.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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