Sunday 7 December 2008

Good afternoon my special chums,

T'is I...I have returned from the wilderness...well the frozen North to be precise. I really do not like this weather, I am totally opposed to it infact. I have no motivation to do anything except hibernate...and...if it gets much colder and things shrink anymore, I will officially be a "girl". Roll on Spring...roll on longer days and warmer climes. Mmmm...rant over and I am calm once more.

I have spent the past few weeks tweaking and finishing stuff off. I reckon it's so near Christmas and the time for festive apathy, I thought I'd get my desk cleared for the New to speak. I've the urge to commence the "Ascension" painting but really need to get the others completed. I'm off to Bonny Scotland next weekend to photograph two very obliging geezers who have agreed to be my "Desciples"...Please don't fret my chums, I have not started a religious sect, I am not getting young blokes to worship at my feet...actually that would be rubbish, I'm only 5' 3" tall...if they tried worshipping at my feet they'd put their backs out..oooer.

It's for the "Ascension".....

I've had a bit of a creative crisis this week end...I thought I had finished "Mercury" but every time I looked at it I disliked it more and more...well not exactly disliked it... it just wasn't "right". It's the old keep looking at something and the more you look the more you can't think what's wrong with it until you have a total meltdown in confidence and decide that you are unworthy to paint and should just blow yourself and all your paintings up...praise the Lordy Lord that the matches were damp!
I've spent the entire day reworking it and am now very happy with it...hey ho...the hysterics of an over emotional old git...a big fat thank you to Brian...he's the model...for being so very patient with me and for waiting this long to cop a gander at the finished article. Speaking of which...I really do need to get myself to Liverpool to get the latest work photoshopped and put onto the web site. Mmm...why oh why do we need to have Christmas this time every year??? Please bare (sp?) with me peeps...I will have some new work on the site soon...I promise.

Thanks for taking the time...

Ivor x

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