Monday 9 March 2009

Good evening my special chums,

I am back from a very gruelling period of my life...mmm...what can one say, it has been dead knackering. I am about to make some life changing decisions and it has been a tad taxing on ones old blogging elbow. Does this appear to be a very feeble excuse for taking so long to blog?.........mmm you know me so well.

Apart from the very over dramatised issue above I have been painting steadily and have finally finished the main panel of the "Ascension". It has been a very strange experience as I have learnt much more than I had bargained for. I thought I had a definite idea of how it should of turned out...but...that was not the case at all. The painting seemed to guide its self..yes, I know that sounds like "new age hippy crystal waving nonsense" but it did. The finished piece has a definite "English" quality. I had intended it to be kind of Middle Eastern with a Catholic twist, not at all...very "English" with a medaeval twist...hey ho. Mind you, I have visited numerous old churches and cathedrals recently, perhaps they had inspired me more than I had realised. It is a triptych and the other two panels have yet to be embarked on. The wood is cut and ready for the's a damn shame that I have yet to find my "Mary"...and that is not a euphormism either... in case you're wondering.
I have got the deciples lined up and ready to appear, it will be interesting to see if these follow the same theme as the main panel. If the last painting is anything to go by, they could end up "Scandinavian" with a tribal twist...aint being creative fun?! I can visualise Joseph with the chalice being held up by Peter...who knows...we will see.

The only obstacle now is that the client loves that it is so "English". Nathan tends to think on the same wave length as myself so all should be well...fingers crossed.

Well I'm of to search for my "Mary"....hey ho. Oh and incidentally...I am a great believer in "new age" things so sincerely hope that my run away gob has not offended any body ready this blog.

Thankyou for taking the time,

Ivor x

1 comment:

Park Gallery said...

hi Ivor

It was great to meet you, an artist with terrific passion, at the gallery and view your work. So refreshing to see an innovative style and hear the inspiration behind the images.

I am positive we will hav a very successful partnership with you and the gallery.

As I said I love the way you paint eyes - and I have already had similar comments from clients who have viewed your work in the gallery.

Keep up the good work, best wishes

David Johnstone
Park Gallery, Glasgow