Friday 5 June 2009

Hello peeps,

What can I say?...the second painting of the triptych is winging it's way towards Olde London Town as we permitting. I must say it was a bit of a bugger to do this one, still unsure it it's what the client had in mind when he commissioned it but, hey ho... I think the anxiety stems from such little information about the "Creation of Adam"...I mean, we all know he is the first human to be created in Gods image but will he be the "image" that the client was expecting????.....ooooer....fingers crossed. On a positive note though....I know it'll sit along side the "Ascension" panel very well and the balance of colour and composition should work rather well. Here's hoping that the third panel doesn't balls it all up. I think the decision to paint all three with a very "English" theme was the right thing to do as it gives the whole image a rather excentric feel.

I've commenced the "Vision of Hell" this third painting should tie the whole triptych together....mmmmmm....we shall see. Ho hum.

"Lucifer" is looking dead smug at the minute...mind, if you were sat ruling over the lost souls in a fiery pit all the live long eternity...I suppose you'd have something to be smug about. I'm trying to make him less "evil" in presentation and more "boy next door"...yeah right, now that'll work. Want a new look to poor old Lucifer...I mean, having horns sticking out the side of your head can't be much fun. You'd be constantly snagging them on door, it would be very tempting for the "lost souls" to use you as a hat rack. Upshot of this is Lucifer will be without horn......

I'm also not to sure how Hell can be portrayed as "olde England"'s a concurrent countdown conundrum. The last two panels had a lot of symbolism in them that depicted a certain "Englishness". Oh well, it'll all come together as I paint no doubt. My work usually develops in unexpected ways........

I'm also developing ideas for the next series of paintings...hopefully these will be ready for the exhibition in Manchester in November. Want to do an "Urban Angels" series. I was in Blackpool recently and saw the ruins of the arson attack on Yates wine lodge. It's very strange that a building that has been ravaged by fire can still be so beautiful. Anyrode sort of sparked up some ideas in my head so am working on them whilst completing the triptych. This is quite a wonder for me as I can't muti-task normally...........

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