Thursday 3 November 2011

Bon morrow bon morrow bon morrow....

I know it's been ages and ages but I've been poorly sick with a shawl...I had the quincy!

For those that don't know...this is a big "F" off abscess of the tonsils. It was not pleasant and it was not fun and it was not anything that I would inflict on my worstest enemy.........

Anyrode up....that is the reason for my delay in writing owt on this 'ere blog.

Well my chums it has been a wonderful past few weeks....quincy aside....I've sold two paintings so am well chuffed.

"The Emperors New Clothes" is now residing in Edinburgh and was purchased by a very nice man called Garry...thank you Garry. Garry is a very interesting bloke with some very interesting ideas so I'm hoping it is the start of an interesting phase in my working life....oooooer.

It has also opened a wee door of opportunity and may well lead to a very good working realationship. I could well be moving into some work in the hospitality business...I shall remain tight lipped until I know more as I would hate to jinx owt. Cooo and's so unlike me to remain tight lipped about anything, infact "tight" is not usually in my vocabulary at all ho hum.

A really interesting and challenging commission is winging its way to me as I type so that should be fun. All I know is it's a portrait and it'll take a shed load of my ingenuity to create something that looks as half interesting as it sounds.....mmmm...not sure if that makes any sense but what the flop. It's a strange and insular world in my head at time to be sure.

I have also just returned from Glasgow and another "Pop Up" exhibition. Cooooo I love things that pop up...the turn around is so quick ooooer.

This one was at 1 Devonshire Gardens....bleedin' 'ell t'was posh. I advise everyone to go and have a gander. If, like myself, you are overdosing on Downton Abbey and all that is stately homesque...mmmm..not sure if that word actually exists...then you'll love it.

The exhibition looked splendid. It was all arranged by Julie from she's a star and I'm in love with her.

I sold "Lady with Hound" to a very lovely young lady whose name I failed to get. If the lovely young lady reads this I apologise for being so remiss in not getting her name. I blame the excitement and being swept up in the moment and if she would like to get in touch I will grovel for forgiveness........Any who...lovely lady, I thank you for your purchase and hope that "Lady with Hound" sits beautifully in your abode.

Can I also add here that the evening was spent chatting to some very nice people and I thank one and all for taking time out to have a blether with me. You were all beautiful.....yes know who you are....

I'm still working on "The Murmurring" which is coming along slow but sure. Mmmm...all those starlings and so little time. It's proving to be a rather strange experience painting this piece...I seem to be becoming quite emotional about it. It's all very's like I've not got the control that I have with my other work. I know it all sounds very "twilight zone" and completely bonkers but I'm dead interested in how this one turns out. Maybe I was a starling in a past life? Cooooo what would Yvette Fielding make of it all........"can you hear that?"..."did you feel that?"

Well that's me done with my updates.....I appear to be getting shed loads of interest in my work of late. I'm fending off queries the live long day......ho hum. Hurrah!

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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