Thursday 12 January 2012

Happy happy happy new dodahs to one and all!

I trust everyone had a fandabbydozy time and you're all now back to relative normality?

I have to admit to having a distinct lack of motivation to get back to it following the yuletide festivities....I blame a major overdose of mince pies, turkey and sherry trifle oooer. I am now struggling to get my enormous bulk back behind my table to paint....cooo lummey...I'm having to stretch my wee arms alot more I can tell you...ho hum.

Anyrode up...I digress............

I've decided that this year is the year to do all those paintings that I have wanted to do for eons. I'm going to blast my creative juices all over my studio and have a major free for all.'s hoping that I don't only "talk the talk" but "walk the walk" too. I continue with my "Cloud Angel" painting despite the fact that it completely buggered up on me...well it was my own fault. I had spent so much time mulling over the "commercial viability" of the image that I completely ruined its integrity....oooooer hark at me sounding all Madonna. Upshot was...following a huge hissy fit where I swore that I'd throw myself and my brushes into the nearest is now been re worked and it nearing completion. Mmmm and mmmm...still wondering if it works but it's sure as hell a lorry load better than it was. So ya boo sucks with knobs on.....

Two of my "Faded Seaside Glamour" paintings have sold..."Harlequin" is off to its new abode in Manchester and "Marrionette" is winging its way to France. Hurrah! It's an odd feeling as I've had those paintings for sometime now and I shall miss them.....but atleast they're going to good homes to be loved and admired. My cockles are well and truely hot and I swell with doings....

I am still working with the lovely Julie Waddington from.... She's a bleedin' gorgeous woman and I love her. I shall no doubt continue my "popping up" with her throughout the year. Cheers Julie...sending waves.

I will also be holding a solo exhibition at The Virginia Gallery in Merchant city Glasgow at the end of March. I will keep you posted on dates and the like when I have them firmed up ooooer missis. I'm hoping to include some drawings in this's been eons since I did any and I'm wanting to get back into it. I was inspired by some 18th Century etchings that I clocked at a Stately Home....yes very Downton Abbey. I still need to get the models involved as I want pugulist type images. I can see it in my head but have no idea how it's going to go down on paper...ho hum.

A big thankyou to Drew and Ian at Virginia Gallery for letting me loose on their lovely gallery. Cheers ya!

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

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