Monday 30 July 2012

Hellooooooo and a fiddley diddley deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I'm feeling right perky today due to a big rush of doings. T'is a very many splendid "thang" as Harry Seacombe used to sing. I put it down to there being a big yellow object in the sky today...such a bleedin' rare occurance this summer to be sure.

I've finally finished "Puck Summoning the Fog"....he, "Banquos Ghost" and "Cloud Angel" are now residing in a wondrous new venue in Glasgow called High Street Gallery. Hurrah! It is resided over by my fabulous mentor and chum...David Johnston...formerly of Park Gallery. Good luck David and a big thank you for all your support. The Merchant City Arts festival is also in full swing and if you take to wandering the streets you could well cop a look at some of my work...Hurrah again! A big thank you to Drew and Ian at Virginia Gallery for sorting it all out...they're also running an exhibition alongside the festival event. Go in and have a wee gander...I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Alongside all of the above...I've been  contacted by a gallery in Jersey wanting to display my wares...yet another hurrah!
I'm dead excited about this and am cuurrently getting some stuff together to ship over. I'm going global! Hurrah and hurrah!

I've just finished drawing out the next's going to be Ophelia going bonkers and chucking her rosemary about. There will be a big tempest looming in the background just to add to the drama. Well...I hope it'll be point in doing Shakespeare if you can't bung in a mad bint and some drama.....I shall keep you posted as to how it's progressing. to create "the art"....

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

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