Saturday 13 July 2013

Well howdy doooooody dooo.

Blimey it's hot! I'm melting in this 'ere studio and have resorted to painting in the buff...which is not a pretty sight as I have to keep bending over my board. I keep expecting a bike to be parked at any moment.....t'is not good to paint in constant fear of being violated by a two wheeled vehicle ho hum.
Anyrode...I digress...
I have finished "jessie distracted" all that's needed is for her to be varnished and framed. A big thank you to Jessie for allowing me to paint her. The fur coat was an eye boggling challenge but it has turned out rather well...even if I say so myself. She

on show very soon hurrah!
I've also started a painting of "Col"....title to be decided. It's part of this mens series I'm has bleedin' ages of painting to go but, with any luck, will be worth it. I've discovered my way of painting is changing of late and I'm geting far more loose with my washes ooooer missis...nowt like a loose wash to get the blood pumping. Anywho...I shall have to see where this creative journey leads me and try to just enjoy the bloody bloody ride. So ya boo sucks with knobs on.....
I've also got a few commissions coming up..hurrah and hurrah! All of them really interesting ventures. I shall speak more about the buggers as and when I get them sorted.

Off to French France soon for my jollies......well ooooo la la and squeeze my baguette.

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

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