Tuesday 29 April 2014

Hello and good afternoon to one and all....and a bloody maaaaarvelous one it is to.

Alas and alack I'm locked in my studio so am not able to enjoy the wonderful sunshine. This old carcass will have to remain lilly white and pasty for a little longer...not that I'm willing to expose this body much these days...I've seen old people throw up and birds flee in terror...ho hum.

Anyrode up..enough of this nonsense...I just thought I'd blog to say the "The Reluctant Narcissus" is now finished...hurrah! I think it works...well I'm hoping it does. I sort of went for it and kept everything crossed. The model loves it so that's bloody brill...thank you Hayden for agreeing to pose for me.
I've also managed to do another wee painting....coo lummey...my brush has been out and active for days and days and days. Hence the lack of sunshine and white carcass. This one is entitled "The Shy Actor" The model who posed is actually an actor so hurrah! For some very very odd reason he seems to think he isn't as gorgeous as everyone else believes he is. Mmmm...t'is a conundrum because I know if I looked like that my body would be forever exposed.................Thank you Jason for being shy.

I'm now working on a painting about a "Conchie"....it seems to tie in with the "Ghosts and Gods" series and...as it's 100 years since the start of World War One...is rather timely. It's very early days and it quite a bloody challenge. It has been inspired by the Pat Barker "Regeneration" trilogy. Here's hoping she'll approve..........

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor xx

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Good evening my chums!

Well bing and bong and ding and dong....it's been all go these past few weeks and I've not had to work this hard since the war. I seem to be constantly painting so hurrah to that with knobs on. I must admit that having longer days of natural light certainly perks me up and allows ones muse to flow....ooooer.
I have now finished the first of the "Abuse" images....it's called "Hear Me". Methinks that it may well be a tad more difficult to gaze at than some of my other stuff but...hey hoooo. I really wanted to do this tryptich. Mind....I may just make it a dyptich as I think the two images may prove more powerful than the three. Mmmmm...I shall decide after the second is complete.
I must say a big thanks to Daryl for allowing me to use his person to depict such a controversial subject. Thanks my chum...you're a star!

I'm now working on another painting for the exhibition...this one is entitled "The Reluctant Narcissus" It's all about how a man who is obviously handsome, fit and with a body to die for...but still thinks he is in need of more work. Thanks to Hayden for aggreeing to do this one....I'm going  a slightly different way with this one and combining monochrome with full colour. Hopefully it'll all work out swimmingly well. Fingers and toes crossed.

Aussi...as our french cousins say...I've only gone and sold "Christmas Angel" Hurrah and fa la la la la la la la la laaaaaa....deck my bowels with sprigs of holly and all that feative doodah.
Thank you Craig and Gorden for liking it enough to buy it.....che

ers boys!

I thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

Sunday 13 April 2014

Good morning my lovely chums!

I trust all is well with you and life is being kindness its self. Ooooooer.

Well slap me twice and call me Leonardo...I've only gone and sold some paintings. HURRAH!
There is a lovely gallery in Jersey called Studio 18 and a very nice man called David has managed to flog four of my paintings out there. Cooooo lummey....I feel like Bergerac...mmm...which could be true as I'm equally as craggy as the lovely John Nettles only not as tall....a pint sized Bergerac really. Sorry...I witter...must be the excitement...or vodka..............
Anyrode up...I'm well chuffed to say the least.
SO......Burlesque Noir....The Escapologist....Hare Lady and Hound Lad are now winging their way to new homes. HURRAH again.

I'm still plodding along toward the London exhibition and have begun a creative period that I am very happy with. I seem to have hit the flow so to speak....all very good for a hobbit with flow problems...mind...that could well be middle age ho hum.
The first of the "Abuse" tryptich is very nearly finished....will post that up shortly.

I've also just completed the commission of the two blokes who wanted to be angels. They are very pleased with how it turned out...as am I. Thank you Simon and Colin for having the faith in me to do it. Sending waves.....

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x