Sunday 2 March 2008

Good morning to one and all,

Mmmmm..where to begin today? Firstly I would like to apologise to any one who is leaving me "add to my friends" on the "my space" site....I seem to be having trouble working that one out. I'm not sure if it's the site or's probably me as I am a total idiot when it comes to things of a technical nature! I tend to either sit and stare blankly at the screen in the vain hope that something will happen or become convince that my computer is conspiring against me and go into a melt down of hysteria and obscenities....

I have now nearly completed the painting of Greg....."Mars" to every one following this blog. I'd forgotten what it was like to paint flora....that's...."as in flowers"...and not some random woman. This whole painting has been an odd keeps changing. I started out with a very clear picture in my head of how it would look on completion....doesn't look anything like how I imagined. I will be tweaking and detailing today so should of finished it before the light goes this afternoon.
I will then know if it "works".....must say that I'm quite enjoying the uncertainty of how it will end up. I'm usually 85% sure before I start....

Work on the acute ward is still very up and down.....lots of uncertainty about finance and bugets which is impacting on every one.....hey ho....all I can do is try. There has been some very creative stuff commenced this past week by some of the clients so I must be doing something right.....let's hope they are able to continue in the same vain this week...

Well I'm off to tweak Greg....thank you for reading....

Ivor x

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