Sunday, 30 March 2008

Good afternoon all,
I am writing to you this fine spring day on a friends computer as mine has decided to descend into madness and stop doing what it is desgned and paid to do...I'm still convinced it's a conspiracy and my computer is out to drive me completely over the edge...mmmm, me thinks that I have overdosed on "Martix" films...
I am in mighty fine and dandy good spirits today as I have just received news that I am to be exhibiting in Manchester next year. I am still unsure of the extent of the exhibition or how long it will last...the only details I have is that it will be in November. I will release details when I get them. I am chuffed to bits to tell the truth...I am now having to eat my words a tad...I shall explain. Last week I was banging on about no one ever responding to ones correspondence, I have been proved so wrong this week...some of the news has not been good but at least I had a response. I thank those people concerned....thankyou.

Work on the "Romanesque" series continues..."Rommulus and Remus" are all but blocked in and looking suitably bemused/bereft. I'm really hoping that this one works out how I'm anticipating it will...I seem to be going at it so differently from the others. Well all's well so far so fingers crossed and all of that. I'm off to London for a couple of weeks in the not to distant future so will no doubt return full of inspiration and a squillion pounds poorer! I will be open and exposed to all sorts of creative goings on....well here's hoping....I must admit that I do miss living in the old capitol, hey ho.

The creativity on the ward all seems to be on a roll at the moment and I am very grateful for it.

Well that's it for this week....can't get used to my digits hitting this very odd key pad.
Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

Monday, 24 March 2008

Good afternoon and Easter greetings to one and all...blimey aint it early this year and aint it a cold one!
Mmmmm..where to begin?....the painting continues very slowly, I blame my "man flu", it slowed me down and mashed my head. I do think that if you're endeavouring to paint a picture depicting sibling murder you really do need to have a clear head....or am I being very old fashioned? It has progressed....I have one of the twins nearly blocked out. I'm hoping the "who's who?" will be very ambiguous. I'm hoping that the whole emotive state of things will be left for the viewers to decide. I'm hoping that when it's finished an equal amount of empathy will be dished out to both lads.....I'm hoping to get it finished before the model that sat is too old to be recognised....sorry Leigh, it is on it's way. Will be painting "mother" next.I have decided to go for the whole family theme on this set and am going to paint Rhea Silvia when this one of the twins is completed, mind, hers is not a happy story so will have to consider a range of emotions when dealing with this one. I also want to depict the "suckled by a wolf" theme too....have read a really cool story concerning this and think it would make a very good subject. All will be revealed at a later date......
The father of these two lads is on view on my web page....

Creative work on the ward has reached an all time high....I am honoured to have some very inventive and creative clients on the ward at the moment. The activity room is like a cottage industry which, in turn, has encouraged more of the staff to join it. I must admit that the banter during the sessions certainly expands the mind....I know it keeps me on my toes and I am constantly amazed at how "free" some of the work is. Here's hoping that it develops into a full time interest for the people involved.

I end this page of witterings by saying that I really do believe that blokes never grow up....yes ladies I know that you have said this since time began....I went to a friends allotment this weekend and discovered a pond full of frogs and frog spawn....all I could think of doing was bunging on some wellies, aquiring a jam jar with some string around the top and jumping in. Blimey, talk about "Swallows and Amazons" and "Enid Blyton"....all I required was a case of ricketts and some blamange and I would be back to my childhood....hey ho, it's got to be better than working for a living....

Thank you for taking the time.....

Ivor x

Saturday, 15 March 2008

Hello every bodies....

Blimey, where's the week gone?....I have finally started the "Romulus and Remus" painting...mind, it's been a bit hit and miss this week. I have the man flu which, as all you blokies out there will know is completely different from normal colds, flues or any other form of sniffling type illness. We suffer! all know who you are....

I am endeavouring to produce a painting of twins with the under currents of sibling rivalry and all that entails....thing is, the out come is murder, so want it to create the "mood" with out being too obvious. Mmmmm...we will see if it succeeds. The thing is with this batch of paintings is they seem to just evolve rather than have specific planning.....which is a new one on me, as I have always sort of known how they were going to turn out in the past. Not too sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Will probably not know until I am at least four paintings into the series. Hoping that all wells that ends well to quote the illustrious bard.

Right peeps, it is time to off load!....sorry, but have it on good authority that "blogging" and "off loading" can improve your mood and creativity. Mmmmm....I shall take their word for it.

Basically....I'm fed up! I have decided that the winter has gone on far too long and that we all need longer days and a warmer clime. I also would like some one to actually answer some of the emails, letters and correspondence that I am forever writing, even if it's just to say...."naff off, you're crap" This does not refer to these ramblings...I like a good blog myself....just wish that people would have the kindness and decency to reply to my enquiries etc....hey ho! Please forgive the bitterness of a dispondent old man.....I have "man flu", I have an excuse.

Painting is something that I have always loved and have always done....ever since I could hold a brush/pencil I have been creating something. Think is my one huge has certainly kept me sane through some rather crappy need now is too exhibit....need to have the stuff on display and to get some feed back...need to feel the "buzz" of getting it all together.
Any help on that score would be very much appreciated.....I would be internally grateful so to speak.
Think I have stopped ranting now....all is calm in my world again and I am no longer hyperventilating...........thank you for listening.

Ivor x

Monday, 10 March 2008

Morning all,

it is blog time again and I am happy to inform any one who's interested that I have finally completed "Mars"....yippeee. It has certainly been an experience painting a bloke that I admire so much and to try and encapsulate his persona into a painting. Greg has now seen a copy and tells me that he likes it... so...result all round! Mind, not sure if he really sees himself as a "God"...think he's far too modest for that...reckon that there are a few people out there that do though, the girlies at work to name but a few!
If you'd like to view the finished result, check him out on my web site...

I am now starting a new painting in the series..."Romulus and Remus". Strangely enough, "Mar's" children. The model is a really nice geezer called Liegh...he has kindly allowed me to use his image for the pic and I am truely honoured that he has. We have never met in person so I am hoping that I can do the man justice and that he doesn't feel the need to track me down and batter me when it is finished! Hopefully all will be well.

The week has started off quite calm hurricanes experienced at the moment, well not weather wise at any rate. Have yet to venture onto the ward. I am attempting to get a large project under way...something to involve the whole ward...wish me luck.

Thanks for reading peeps....

Ivor x

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Good morning to one and all,

Mmmmm..where to begin today? Firstly I would like to apologise to any one who is leaving me "add to my friends" on the "my space" site....I seem to be having trouble working that one out. I'm not sure if it's the site or's probably me as I am a total idiot when it comes to things of a technical nature! I tend to either sit and stare blankly at the screen in the vain hope that something will happen or become convince that my computer is conspiring against me and go into a melt down of hysteria and obscenities....

I have now nearly completed the painting of Greg....."Mars" to every one following this blog. I'd forgotten what it was like to paint flora....that's...."as in flowers"...and not some random woman. This whole painting has been an odd keeps changing. I started out with a very clear picture in my head of how it would look on completion....doesn't look anything like how I imagined. I will be tweaking and detailing today so should of finished it before the light goes this afternoon.
I will then know if it "works".....must say that I'm quite enjoying the uncertainty of how it will end up. I'm usually 85% sure before I start....

Work on the acute ward is still very up and down.....lots of uncertainty about finance and bugets which is impacting on every one.....hey ho....all I can do is try. There has been some very creative stuff commenced this past week by some of the clients so I must be doing something right.....let's hope they are able to continue in the same vain this week...

Well I'm off to tweak Greg....thank you for reading....

Ivor x