Monday 24 March 2008

Good afternoon and Easter greetings to one and all...blimey aint it early this year and aint it a cold one!
Mmmmm..where to begin?....the painting continues very slowly, I blame my "man flu", it slowed me down and mashed my head. I do think that if you're endeavouring to paint a picture depicting sibling murder you really do need to have a clear head....or am I being very old fashioned? It has progressed....I have one of the twins nearly blocked out. I'm hoping the "who's who?" will be very ambiguous. I'm hoping that the whole emotive state of things will be left for the viewers to decide. I'm hoping that when it's finished an equal amount of empathy will be dished out to both lads.....I'm hoping to get it finished before the model that sat is too old to be recognised....sorry Leigh, it is on it's way. Will be painting "mother" next.I have decided to go for the whole family theme on this set and am going to paint Rhea Silvia when this one of the twins is completed, mind, hers is not a happy story so will have to consider a range of emotions when dealing with this one. I also want to depict the "suckled by a wolf" theme too....have read a really cool story concerning this and think it would make a very good subject. All will be revealed at a later date......
The father of these two lads is on view on my web page....

Creative work on the ward has reached an all time high....I am honoured to have some very inventive and creative clients on the ward at the moment. The activity room is like a cottage industry which, in turn, has encouraged more of the staff to join it. I must admit that the banter during the sessions certainly expands the mind....I know it keeps me on my toes and I am constantly amazed at how "free" some of the work is. Here's hoping that it develops into a full time interest for the people involved.

I end this page of witterings by saying that I really do believe that blokes never grow up....yes ladies I know that you have said this since time began....I went to a friends allotment this weekend and discovered a pond full of frogs and frog spawn....all I could think of doing was bunging on some wellies, aquiring a jam jar with some string around the top and jumping in. Blimey, talk about "Swallows and Amazons" and "Enid Blyton"....all I required was a case of ricketts and some blamange and I would be back to my childhood....hey ho, it's got to be better than working for a living....

Thank you for taking the time.....

Ivor x

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