Saturday 15 March 2008

Hello every bodies....

Blimey, where's the week gone?....I have finally started the "Romulus and Remus" painting...mind, it's been a bit hit and miss this week. I have the man flu which, as all you blokies out there will know is completely different from normal colds, flues or any other form of sniffling type illness. We suffer! all know who you are....

I am endeavouring to produce a painting of twins with the under currents of sibling rivalry and all that entails....thing is, the out come is murder, so want it to create the "mood" with out being too obvious. Mmmmm...we will see if it succeeds. The thing is with this batch of paintings is they seem to just evolve rather than have specific planning.....which is a new one on me, as I have always sort of known how they were going to turn out in the past. Not too sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Will probably not know until I am at least four paintings into the series. Hoping that all wells that ends well to quote the illustrious bard.

Right peeps, it is time to off load!....sorry, but have it on good authority that "blogging" and "off loading" can improve your mood and creativity. Mmmmm....I shall take their word for it.

Basically....I'm fed up! I have decided that the winter has gone on far too long and that we all need longer days and a warmer clime. I also would like some one to actually answer some of the emails, letters and correspondence that I am forever writing, even if it's just to say...."naff off, you're crap" This does not refer to these ramblings...I like a good blog myself....just wish that people would have the kindness and decency to reply to my enquiries etc....hey ho! Please forgive the bitterness of a dispondent old man.....I have "man flu", I have an excuse.

Painting is something that I have always loved and have always done....ever since I could hold a brush/pencil I have been creating something. Think is my one huge has certainly kept me sane through some rather crappy need now is too exhibit....need to have the stuff on display and to get some feed back...need to feel the "buzz" of getting it all together.
Any help on that score would be very much appreciated.....I would be internally grateful so to speak.
Think I have stopped ranting now....all is calm in my world again and I am no longer hyperventilating...........thank you for listening.

Ivor x

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