Sunday 30 March 2008

Good afternoon all,
I am writing to you this fine spring day on a friends computer as mine has decided to descend into madness and stop doing what it is desgned and paid to do...I'm still convinced it's a conspiracy and my computer is out to drive me completely over the edge...mmmm, me thinks that I have overdosed on "Martix" films...
I am in mighty fine and dandy good spirits today as I have just received news that I am to be exhibiting in Manchester next year. I am still unsure of the extent of the exhibition or how long it will last...the only details I have is that it will be in November. I will release details when I get them. I am chuffed to bits to tell the truth...I am now having to eat my words a tad...I shall explain. Last week I was banging on about no one ever responding to ones correspondence, I have been proved so wrong this week...some of the news has not been good but at least I had a response. I thank those people concerned....thankyou.

Work on the "Romanesque" series continues..."Rommulus and Remus" are all but blocked in and looking suitably bemused/bereft. I'm really hoping that this one works out how I'm anticipating it will...I seem to be going at it so differently from the others. Well all's well so far so fingers crossed and all of that. I'm off to London for a couple of weeks in the not to distant future so will no doubt return full of inspiration and a squillion pounds poorer! I will be open and exposed to all sorts of creative goings on....well here's hoping....I must admit that I do miss living in the old capitol, hey ho.

The creativity on the ward all seems to be on a roll at the moment and I am very grateful for it.

Well that's it for this week....can't get used to my digits hitting this very odd key pad.
Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

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